Friday, May 18, 2018

Abode of Happiness – A short story!

Abode of Happiness – A short story!

There lived a Guru outside a forest in a small hut which was in a small patch of land that had a mango, peepul and neem tree in it. One day one of his disciples came up to him placed a pile of gold ornaments, cash and such of valuable things in front of the Guru and complained “Guru, I am fed up of chasing happiness all my life. When I first asked you to show me the way to happiness you said “Get a job”. I did and later when I still was dissatisfied you said get married. Then it was have children, earn assets, tour the world, do charity, meditate. I did all that you asked me to. But nothing gave me happiness. Today, I want to leave everything and be in your company. Take all that I have (so saying he pushed the pile of valuables that he brought towards Guru) and give me happiness”.

Guru looked at the man for some time and then stared at the pile of valuables and again at the disciple and suddenly with an odd laugh picked up the bag of valuables and started running. The disciple was confused and stared at his Guru. Then seeing his Guru standing at a distant with his valuables he ran after his Guru. As he neared his Guru, his Guru started running again. Guru would run for some time and stop till his disciple almost caught up with him. Then he would start running. Guru ran through the forest, up and down t he hill, along the river and in the fields. His disciple followed him everywhere. By sunset disciple was jet tired. It was then he found himself at his Guru’s place where his Guru was in deep meditation with eyes closed not a wee bit tired of all the running and with the pile of his valuables in front.


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