Tuesday, May 1, 2018

The woodcutter and the parrot

The woodcutter and the parrot

Further to link :  https://kantipadam.blogspot.in/search?q=woodcutter+and+the+parrot     please find the explanation compiled (all your explanations too have been taken)

In a relationship we may think we are keeping the other happy by providing the best of comforts and by catering to their needs. Yes, it may be true too that they don’t have complaints in this regard. But, no one can stay in a cage for long, whether it is a bird or a human.

Cage here doesn’t represent merely a physical one. Physically, we see most of the people not being bound. But, mentally? We build a cage of expectations, frustrations and conditions around a person and demand (many times implicitly) them to adhere to those mental limitations and parameters. That kills the spirit of the other person. He longs to fly away from you, break away from the relationship – not necessarily because he hates or dislikes you but mostly because he wants to experience freedom of expression and being and that he misses here in this relationship. And so to break the cage he exhibits anger, irritation and silence and distances himself from you.

No person who is bound can be happy.

No bound person can love. And no unhappy person can love. So release the other from expectations and conditions and let him free. You’ll rediscover the love that was and gain respect also along with love!

“if you love someone let them free, if they come back they are yours, if they don’t they never were”

Also note that the moment the woodcutter stops putting the bird in cage, it no longer wants to leave him and go. If your love is genuine and pure, no matter what the world has to offer, the other person will never leave you for all the riches of the world....and one who does never can love 'any person' leave alone you over material things...so what and why cry over such a person in your life?

The more you are accepting of the other, the more you both will experience love between you.  Always remember, less the expectation, more the love. 

But for that, one should be 'true to himself, confident of himself and know about himself'. Only a truly balanced and confident person can let go off the expectations and conditions in the relationship...and as reiki channel it is possible for us to do that job with various techniques at our end....

And if any of you feel YOU are the parrot, then instead of thinking of flying away when the cage is open, as a reiki channel HEAL the situation, your and the people involved who have created the CAGE and then experience the wonderful relationship that YOU BOTH HAVE OR HAD in the first place.....

But if the cage here represents the 'body' for you then yes the 'soul' which is crushed with 'conditions, expectations, lies, manipulations, hatred' and such of emotions and attitudes wants to break free at every given opportunity to experience the joy of 'being love, peaceful, blissful and complete' which is its real nature. But then what is a body without a 'soul'? A mere bundle of flesh which begins to rot the moment soul leaves it...so to experience the 'joys of life' and materialistic life or to be a 'bhogi' (one who rejoices only the matter and is not bothered about the spirit) too we need to have a soul which is comfortable being in this body and for that we need to cater to its needs too.....

So you see, each one of you have thought from one angle/perspective and lo - behold the beauty of the meaning of this story unfold in front of you....you still may stick to your understanding but any day you come back when you are ready for other perspective and layer of understanding, you'll have this treasure of 'understanding' under your belt to assist you....

this is the joy and beauty of sharing each other's perspective...once more i tried to bring out the need to share and grow and if it is of any use, please try to come back with your experiences and understanding so that we together can make haste in this journey...we can also have greater joy of learning in this journey...there is an old Indian saying which loosely translated means 'one who cooks for himself eats one variety of food but when all share their food they end up having a feast (as each would have got his one variety of food' - this is food for thought ...share it with others .....

and thank you all for the participation and hope to see the same happening every time...

suggested reads : https://kantipadam.blogspot.in/search?q=conditions

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