Thursday, May 9, 2024

Me, my Guru – on Sheikh Chilli, the dreamer!



Me, my Guru – on Sheikh Chilli, the dreamer!

We laughed. We could see his stupidity. It took some time for us to question as to how this story found its way into our lives today. We talked among ourselves. We didn’t find the connection. We enjoyed the story though!

“We lived in our imaginary world. We built castles in the air. We based these dreams on a very simple fact. Like Sheikh Chilli who based his dream on a ‘pot of milk’, we built on marriage, job and sadhan”.  This was Rahul and Aziz giving these explanations one after the other. They were looking at the carpet as they were talking. They were filling and completing each other’s sentences. Their understanding was in sync. We listened with our mouths wide open. 

They continued “Sheikh Chilli had got a pot of milk. Likewise, we got married, had a job or were doing sadhan.

But from there on, it was a ride to a fool’s Paradise!

We chased our assumptions, presumptions, and expectations based on our desires and conditions. Like him, our world was perfect in our imagination. We named it as our wish. It wasn’t. it was purely fictional. And we kicked ‘the ONLY pot of milk’ that we had – our fulfilled desire – say of marriage, getting a job or being in sadhan. But once we got it instead of working on it, we built castles in the air and kicked our only possession – the pot of milk. In our life, it is the very marriage that we longed for, it is the very job that we desired. We became disillusioned with the routine of sadhan in a few days.


# Me, My Guru, dreamer, sadhan getting boring, expectations and conditions, desires and their fulfillment, 

read related posts too 

Points to ponder:

  • Chase dreams for your care! But, in the process, are you kicking away the only pot of milk which you have in your life? Ask yourself that! 
  • Work for your dreams. But, also respect and validate what you already have in life. 
  • What is the purpose of life if all we do is just "desiring and accumulating"? Are you able to relish what you have?
  • Look around your house. How many things in your house do you actually use at least once a week? Do you even know 'most of the things' just lying around in your house?
  • 80% of the people use just 20% things of their house. If so, why are we wasting our time and energy on accumulating the remaining 80% of things of our lives?
  • Instead, can't we spare ourselves time and energy to relax and have experiences of  life - be with our family/friends or with things that we purchased with so much of excitement?

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