Sunday, May 19, 2024

Theory of Karma - Kabir ke dohe!


Theory of Karma - Kabir ke dohe!

Kartha tha so kyun kiya, ab kar kyun pachtaye

Boya ped babool ka, aam kahan se aaye…

करता था सो क्यों किया, अब कर क्यों पछताए 

बोया पेड़ बबूल का, आम कहाँ से आये।  

Why did you do what you did, and what is the point of feeling bad now?

Having planted seeds of Acacia, how can you expect it to bear mangoes?


A person should be cautious in his actions. When doing karma (actions), we are reckless. Many times, people say “I want to do it” or “I am doing it because I like doing it” or “No need to tell me, I KNOW it”. Having acted so, how can one feel bad at the time of bearing the fruits of our actions?

We should plant seeds of trees, the fruits of which we desire to eat. Meaning, if we want to eat mangoes, we should plant mango seeds. But, when a person seeds Acacia, he can’t expect mangoes from that plant/tree.

If you want to receive good, do good.

One can’t expect good and pleasing things to happen to us in our lives if we keep doing wrong deeds in our life!


Question time:

Do you have any experience that proves this dohe?

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