Wednesday, May 8, 2024

Me, my Guru – on Sheikh Chilli, the dreamer!



Me, my Guru – on Sheikh Chilli, the dreamer!

Our Sheikh Chilli was a dreamer too. He immediately went to sleep. You see, he thought he had worked very hard that day by getting a pot of milk from his master’s place. He went into his dreamland. He saw his pot of milk there. He immediately turned that milk into curd. From that curd he made ghee. He sold that ghee and from that money he purchased more milk. From that milk, he again made curd and from that curd, ghee and thus made good profit.

He continued doing so for a few days and the money he made was so that he could buy a buffalo. It gave him a huge pot of milk. Now, he could have so much of curd. From it came lots of ghee. Wow! In no time, he would be a Zamindar (Landlord). Then, he would employ servants to tend his buffalos. His wife would put on weight. Of course, she would, she had so much to eat. He laughed picturing this. She would be a setani (wife of a landlord) wearing heavy jewellery shouting at all servants and everyone around.

She would come into their room shouting at him. He wouldn’t tolerate this nature of hers anymore. He would get angry and so in the fit of anger kick hard at her. As he visualized his kick, he kicked in his sleep too. The pot of milk hung on the pole was hit by his kick. It fell and all the milk fell to the ground.

“How could you be so careless to kick the little milk that we had” shouted his wife waking him up “I am fed up with your sleep and laziness” she shouted.

Sheikh Chilli woke up from his sleep. He found all the milk on the ground. His dream of “Abundance” broke to pieces” so saying our Guru stopped looking at our faces. She drank a glass of water.

We laughed. We could see his stupidity. It took some time for us to question as to how this story found its way into our lives today. We talked among ourselves. We didn’t find the connection. We enjoyed the story though!


# Me, My Guru, dreamer, sadhan getting boring, expectations and conditions, desires and their fulfillment, 

read related posts too 

Points to understand the post:

"Sheikh Chilli woke up from his sleep." -When a person lives in his imaginary world, everything goes as per his plan. He hardly works there. He finds that easy and enjoyable. But, things don't go as per his "dreamy ways". No doubt, he gets angry and feels cheated by others and God! Think about it! Is our frustration and anger based on reality not matching up to our imaginations?

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