Sunday, May 5, 2024

Target for May 2024


Target for May 2024

Like every month let’s chalk out target for May 2024.

What is the sadhan plan for this month?

What is the disturbing emotion you have chosen to deal with?

What is your exercise plan?

What are your targets for the month?


Kshitija said...

My targets for May are
1. Doing sadhan and some of the techniques I couldn’t do for a longer time.
2. Doing exercise and making it a part of my daily routine.
3. The emotions I want to work on Manipulative nature and fear.
4. To be a better person, to loose weight.

V Sridhar said...

What is the sadhan plan for this month?
Hands on, Vaasthu Healing, Meditation

What is the disturbing emotion you have chosen to deal with?
Anger, Irritation

What is your exercise plan?
Walking - 8000 to 10000 steps a day -5 days a week, Pranayam 5/6 days a week, Routine exercises 5/6 days a week, Climbing Steps 3 times a day (up & down 5 floors) 3 days a week

What are your targets for the month?
Regular reading at least 1 to 2 hrs per day

Kshitija said...

Everyday I do let go and go to sleep.
Today in the early hours I had a dream I was in reiki class and mam was telling let go . I was suffering with back pain . I heard a sound like tak and I got 90% relief from the pain.

Thank you reiki thank you guruji. I am very great full to reiki because till yesterday I was facing great difficulty to sit but today I am able to sit. Also I am feeling very light in my heart.