Thursday, May 2, 2024

On being regularly irregular in sadhan!



On being regularly irregular in sadhan!

It is like this. When you take an antibiotic for any infection, you need to complete the course. But some stop taking antibiotics halfway thinking what is the use or need as the symptom or disease is gone. This makes the cause; the virus more powerful next time it attacks the body. Then, the antibiotic becomes useless. Then we need to use a more powerful one. This goes on for some time and then even steroids become ineffective on the person. Result – death which could have been delayed if and only if he had taken the complete course every single time. 

Similarly, when a sadhan stops sadhak’s attitudes and psychic impressions that were addressed because of sadhan come back with a vengeance. This will happen to everyone, however long they have done their sadhan, once they stop their sadhan. Just like, if a person does exercises regularly and stops, then his fat would come back. The Body will store fat with a vengeance. It will bloat and very soon the body will become sick. Similarly, when we are healing we are healing our attitudes little by little. But, till final enlightenment, no one’s attitude is completely healed or done away with. That means, those attitudes have just weakened but not dead or gone away completely. So, when we stop the sadhan, they regain their strength again and become stronger.

This time when you come back to sadhan, it becomes more difficult to address the same disturbing emotions as to previous time. Check the past! Without an exception, everyone will agree. Then, our battle becomes more strenuous and painful for us. And that’s why people find it difficult to carry on with sadhan next time. The first time it seemed like a cakewalk, but not the second time!


# being irregular in sadhan, sadhan, drawbacks of indiscipline and perseverance in sadhan, success and failure in spiritual field, 

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1 comment:

Kshitija said...

I want to share my experience here .
I went outstation for a function.
I always wanted to avoid them because I am scared of people taunting me , shouting on me , taking their frustrations on me during the functions . I did not want to go but I also knew I need to face this fear . I started with my journey and the way I have taken the situations was entirely different. I took charge of my parents . I was there for them carrying their luggage ( I was surprised because I was never able to lift so much luggage), taking care of them and be with them ( this used to be very painful for me previously). At the function also when people tried to take their frustrations on me I simply gave them a stare a clam one and the person became quiet( I was surprised here to because I always used to cry silently in such situations and had lot of palpitations). I spoke pleasantly and this was the first time I attended a function peacefully.
This showed me how my healing classes helped me and also it explained the power of rebirth with fear which I have been doing since past 4 to 5 months. I never expected such change in me .
Thanks to the swadhyay sessions and healings .
Thank you reiki thank you guruji.