Tuesday, March 29, 2016

The story of Dragonfly

Me, My Guru

On Death!

It was more than a fortnight since we were introduced to the way of life of ‘Il Dolce far Niente!’ Surprising! How fast time flies? When it was decided then that we meet after a fortnight to exchange our areas of application and our experience, fortnight looked too long a wait. But here it was and seems like time has just flown 2 weeks. May be this is what our Guruji always hinted at that time that time reflects our state of mind and nothing else! For eg. It looks soooo short when we are happy! But in actuality times has its fixed movement, yet it is felt different at different occasions.  I smiled as I understood this point today. 

I was walking towards ‘her’ place and all I could be excited about was to listen to other’s experience with regards to ‘Il Dolce far niente’. Yes I found this happening often with me. whenever I was going to her place all my thoughts revolved around ‘her’ or ‘her teachings’ and I hardly could think about anything else – be it personal or professional. It didn’t happen so when I was going to others places. Odd – I thought! My expectations of receiving some understanding or knowledge always excited me to heights. Though my realization did not match my expectation, I still loved to be in this space. It was intoxicating and I always looked forward to it.  Today I realized I liked her not that much for what she was, but what I was in ‘her’ presence.

Yes, I liked myself – the one excited, happy et al in ‘her’ presence. She sort of helped me to be in love with myself. She was instrumental in me experiencing varied emotions and that was good about the whole part. I found it funny but not weird…..

As I opened ‘her’ gate I found that all were seated in the hall. Inspite of it being summer, it was drizzling since morning and that must be the reason for all to be in hall and not under the tree in her front yard. I washed my feel and joined all. I saw ‘Swetha’ with her daughter Sweety crying sitting beside Guruji. Everyone was silent with head bent. I sat like-wise.


This song says it all.....


1 comment:

Kshitija said...

This post made my day thank you for the links .
Today I realized I liked her not that much for what she was, but what I was in ‘her’ presence.
Today even I realised this statement.
I often fell in love with myself in her presence.
I love the way I thought in her presence. I love the way I behaved . I always thought at least there is one person whom I am truthful.
Today is a day I have realised this .

Also each day is a prayer to her surrendering myself to her now I have realised that once I surrender that surrender connects me to her and be in perfection
Thank you reiki thank you Guruji