Saturday, March 12, 2016

Il Dolce far niente

Me, My Guru

Il Dolce far niente


She was sitting under a tree with a tea cup in her hand. Others were sitting casually around her. I joined others silently.

“So, what is our agenda for the day Guruji?” asked Srivani.

“for a change let’s not do anything. Let’s just relax. And I can see from your looks that you had had a hectic schedule behind you and am sure the same is in front of you too! (for the coming weeks). So, today let’s just relax and rewind” she replied with a smile. 

‘So, we are free the whole day?” I questioned a bit perplexed. Did I come hurriedly to just sit and relax? How waste of time is that? And I could’ve done that at my place as well! But I couldn’t dare to voice these thoughts aloud! I looked at others. Many seemed OK with ‘her idea’. Funny I thought! I was bit confused. Why wasn’t anyone finding this odd like me? May be those who did didn’t have courage to voice it out like me. Yeah, that could be it!

“But, Guruji, if we stay here, someone or the other would drop in to meet you and again ‘the sessions’ would start. Why even we wouldn’t sit idle as we would receive calls and may have to attend that call. We have so much work ‘to do’ here and that would be tempting for us – so let’s move out if it’s OK with you. I’ll make arrangements at a resort just 100kms from here. What say everybody?” asked Rahul. His voice and face were so filled with enthusiasm that no body could be left uninfected with it. Everyone agreed and looked at ‘her’ for approval. She simply got up and said “max ½ an hour and we are out of this place”. Everyone shouted with joy. This was totally unplanned and this pleasant surprise gave exactly the right start to a wonderful day that lay ahead of us!


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