Saturday, March 19, 2016

Il dolce far niente!


Whatever you do, you are totally into it and then the act whatever it be – becomes instantly relaxing playful, healthy and joyful. 

While walking or exercising don’t numb your ears with the ear plugs/phones. Just go for walk or exercise. If it is walk, feel the ground under your feet (even with shoes you can – trust me), look around to relish Nature around you. Watch the flowers blooms. Observe how cats stretch themselves or dogs fight or bark for nothing.

Look at mothers shouting at kids or youngsters giggle for everything. Look at formation of clouds. Admire the architecture of houses and buildings. The list is endless. Go on and experience it. Break from the habit of logging on to some music. Just walk!

Now if it’s exercise don’t have music playing loud. Instead listen to your body’s stress points. Know your body, know how rigid your body is. Feel the muscle stretch here and nerve relax there. Know your stamina. Enjoy the journey of stretching it. Go ahead and discover for yourself your Il Dolce far Niente moment during exercise.

While you are driving, stop few minutes to watch the sunset. Don’t 
postpone doing it in vacation.

This way you are not ‘doing work’ but ‘being present’ to taste the joy and chemistry of performing an act – be it as mundane as talking, walking, washing, writing or listening.

You have the power to turn an ordinary moment into a very special one! But, the question is 'are you using your power?'

Don’t postpone living ‘joyful moments’ to future vacation trips. Instead bring your vacation into your job. ‘All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy’ applies to you too! So, from now work as if you are playing. If you make your play work, then you never work. Its one long holiday. It means you have retired from boredom, drudgery, compulsion and duties and will no longer suffer from ‘hard work’. Live the moment!” so saying she looked at all of us.


You can watch this beautiful rendition from the classic movie 'Dooriyaan' one of the best movies of the classic pair 'uttam kumar and sharmila tagore'


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