Friday, March 4, 2016

Who's the best of all?


And coming back to her story “Having become sun, he shone in all brilliance. Plants withered and people died of excess heat. He felt very powerful shining so bright high up in the sky”.

Suddenly, he found dark clouds come over him and hide his rays. His brilliance was hidden behind the clouds. He felt suddenly so helpless and powerless. He felt cheated of his power. He wished he was cloud who could cover sun too. The forest fairy heard his wish and fulfilled it instantly. He became the cloud at once. He felt very happy thinking he had become very powerful and that no one could hurt him. He felt on top of the world – literally. 

He hummed the songs of happiness when suddenly he felt he was being blocked by someone. He looked down to notice huge mountain stand in his path blocking his way. He was forced to pour down as rain. He saw his tears go down as rain. He felt this was cheating. He wasn’t allowed to be happy even for a short while. Someone or the other was ever ready to make him feel little or helpless. ‘If only he was this mountain’ he thought and lo! Next minute he became one – all thanks to the fairy. Now he felt huge and vast. Yes, this was being powerful and great. He felt very happy and wanted to expand further when he suddenly felt some faint noise near him.

He turned to see a stone-cutter at work. The stone-cutter was cutting him – the great mountain into pieces. The pain of being cut to pieces was unbearable and the sound he was making was irritating. Being so huge and yet so helpless was his state. He didn’t like what he was undergoing. He found it redundant to be so huge and yet so helpless under the chisel in the hand of a stone-cutter. That man looked so powerful. He was puny and so ordinary – yet he was powerful enough to break the huge mountain to pieces. “Oh! How I wish to be a stone-cutter!” lamented the mountain and the forest fairy for one last time fulfilled his wish and he became the stone-cutter.


1 comment:

Vaibhav said...

This post has made my day.....:) :) :) I will try to remember this whole of my life..
Wish I could Hit verry hard on the "excellent" option(This is generally present after every post...) Just like the stone cutter is hitting against that mountain in the image below this post...

I mean I liked it to that extent, That I want to use all my energy to show it...