Sunday, May 19, 2024

Me, my guru – No good done ever goes to waste!



Me, my guru – No good done ever goes to waste!

Vaishnav opened his mouth with “But Guruji” when Rahul stopped him and asked our Guru to leave.

“This topic had been discussed so often. So, no point bombarding her with the same questions again and again” said Rahul cutting Vaishnav’s question.

“But my situation hasn’t improved. Neither is my doubt put to rest. I don’t accept her explanations. I have the right to ask questions” retorted Vaishnav.

“Yes. Certainly, you do. So do we all! But, you’ll not understand even if given an answer now” replied Rahul and before he could complete his statement Vaishnav blurted “Are you saying I am stupid and hence wouldn’t understand.?”

Rahul smiled and shook his head “I am not saying any such thing. I am not judging you. It’s just that in your present state of mind, you can’t take any explanation the right way. Your mind is set to only one answer. It is not possible to receive any explanation contradictory to the fulfilment of your desire. You can only generate anger when explained. So, let’s put your questions to rest for some time. You don’t want answers. You want results. That can’t happen through verbal accusation. It can only spoil your energy and mood. So, calm down. Work on yourself and keep doing sadhan or sadhan towards the fulfilment of your desire if you wish. Or if you are disillusioned, then stop doing sadhan. But, no one can help you there. Things happen at the appointed time” Rahul was very calm as he concluded.

“But I” started Vaishnav.

“I am not here to argue with you. All the best! Do or don’t do sadhan, that’s your call” so saying, Rahul got up. Others too followed suit.

Vaishnav felt very angry, left out and frustrated. There was nothing anyone could do to help him.



# me, my guru stories, no good done goes waste, karma, you receive what you give, good or bad comes back to us, boomerang effect of our actions, sooner or later we reap what we sow, we reap what we sow, 

read previous post further on this topic 

Read the link to understand how to break the vicious cycle of karma!!!

Question time:

What is your take on this entire post?

How are you going to put it to good use?

What points did impact you?

What points are useful to you?

Share the redundant points if you find in this post!

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