Wednesday, May 15, 2024

Me, my guru – No good done ever goes to waste!



Me, my guru – No good done ever goes to waste!

“But our Guruji just said “Good done doesn’t go to waste”. It doesn’t mean it’ll be returned by the same person or the same way. These stories are not to be understood so literally. Be open to seeing the larger and clearer picture”

“Exactly,” said Swathi “I know a girl who had fractured her leg. She was the sole breadwinner of her family. For health reasons, her husband couldn’t work. Her finances were very poor. Even her medical expenses were met by a couple of her relatives. Her neighbours distributed days among themselves and gave her piping hot good food for the next 3-4 months. One would get breakfast, the other lunch and the third dinner. One took care of giving her a bath and all. She said her mother had fed so many people and that punya (good) came to support her today. It was a known fact that for the last 4-5 years this girl herself had been giving ‘prasadam’ at the temples near her house (30-49mts drive). And yet, she attributed her good luck of having such wonderful people as neighbours to her mother’s good acts.**

The people whom we help or serve may be ungrateful but our acts will come back as ‘aids’ in our life through some good Samaritans. That is the “Law of the Universe”!"

Vaishnav didn’t seem happy with this explanation.

** This is a "real life incident of a person written as a story"!


# me, my guru stories, no good done goes waste, karma, you receive what you give, good or bad comes back to us, boomerang effect of our actions, sooner or later we reap what we sow, we reap what we sow, 

read previous post further on this topic 

The link gives us an understanding as to how our "cheating" comes back in our lives....

Pointers to understanding post"

It doesn’t mean it’ll be returned by the same person or the same way. These stories are not to be understood so literally. " - NEVER expect the person to whom you have given support, help or so to return it! Manytimes, it doesn't come back from the person to whom you have given! It comes back from that person only if that person has an attitude of gratitude, honesty, humility, purity of intent and heart, and love. Above all that person should be the follower of 'Dharm'! 

Since, not all who you do good have these qualities, it is not returned by the other. And yet, the Universe is ever wakeful and watchful. It sees to it that the good done is sent back to your aid at the appointed time and in times of need!

"** " - The incident told above is the real life situation that happened recently. It is the classic case of karma bearing fruit at the needed time! 

That girl doesn't have material benefits much to her account but karma did come back as help needed at the much needed time! Understand this right!

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