Monday, May 20, 2024

Secret to succeed in this World and the other too!


Secret to succeed in this World and the other too!

"Isn’t it man that makes money?

Where did you ever hear of money making man?

It you can make your thoughts and words perfectly at one, if you can, I say, make yourself one in speech and action, money will pour in at your feet of itself, like water!" - Swami Vivekananda.

This is the secret of success in any field of life.

This is the secret to achieving anything in this World!

This is the easiest way to get the things of this World!

And to make it happen – meditate!

Get to know your thoughts and emotions! Look at them. Know them! Don’t justify or defend them! Just know them!

Then do pranayama regularly!

Then meditate – repeat!


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