Friday, May 24, 2024

Me, My Guru – Virochana and Indra



Me, My Guru – Virochana and Indra

He respected his Guru’s discretion in teaching. He didn’t see it as wrong and called it as his Guru trying to withhold Knowledge at every step. He didn’t blame his Guru as being egoistic, manipulative and demanding with his students. His humility (real one, not the pretended humility as many) was the essential quality that made him eligible to come for the next level of learning.

Indra had gratitude. Respect is imperative in gratitude. Loose talking and then covering it with statements like “Oh, did I say so, I don’t remember” or “I didn’t mean to insult you but, maybe because I don’t know how to express right or I am not as good as you in giving justifications, maybe it came out wrong. But, I know I was not wrong, but still forgive me if you think I am wrong because I don’t want your anger to stop me from having my desire fulfilled”.

Such talks and mentality reveal the person’s level of consciousness – that of body conscious and so asuric in nature. It reflects Virochana’s belief that things in this world mean everything. Such people want instant gratification of their desires. And when there is a delay, it is expressed as anger. They feel entitled to receive the fulfillment of their desires.

Indra worked to know the “self”. He was ready to wait ‘to learn about Self” which was desire. To work for, to wait for the fulfillment of one’s desire, to sacrifice, time, joys and pleasures of one’s life is an essential quality of Daivic nature.

In contrast, Virochana was not only pleased with the answer but also went to taint others with his limited and crooked understanding. The entire tribe lived with that ‘limited understanding’ and suffered the pangs of greed, selfishness, jealousy, lust, impatience and arrogance. People who want to become masters at the earliest leading others with ignorance come under this category.

Like a fly that gets attracted to the lamp to meet its end, students whose karma is destined towards their annihilation get attracted towards such masters.


# me, my guru stories, Indra and Virochana, asura and deva, asuric nature, daivic nature, karma, illusion, ego, body consciousness and soul consciousness, reality, The Truth, maya, meditation, knowing self, Self, Ultimate knowledge, awareness, mindfulness, 

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Pointers to understand this post:

He didn’t blame his Guru as being egoistic, manipulative and demanding with his students. His humility (real one, not the pretended humility as many) was the essential quality that made him eligible to come for the next level of learning. " - How can you learn right and in full if you have complaints and anger for the person from whom you need to learn?

If you think any person is jealous of you and is stopping your growth, trust me, leave that person!

If you are right, he is not someone who can benefit you!

If it is your assumption based on your jealousy and anger, then you will not be able to learn anything from him!

Either way, you will not learn from him! 

Go elsewhere to learn!!!

The essential quality to learn and grow spiritually is trust in your master/Guru and belief he has your best interest in mind!

Indra had gratitude. Respect is imperative in gratitude. Loose talking and then covering it with statements like ..." - RESPECT is the basis of gratitude. Talking loosely about the other's intention both in person or behind him states that we don't have belief in him and we don't respect him. There gratitude is just a word!

Indra worked to know the “self”. He was ready to wait ‘to learn about Self” which was desire. To work for, to wait for the fulfillment of one’s desire, to sacrifice, time, joys and pleasures of one’s life is an essential quality of Daivic nature. " -  Guru knows more than you!

If the Guru thinks you don't deserve something NOW, then you need to accept that!

Wait and be in sadhan!

If and when you become eligible, your Guru will give what you deserve, not when you demand it!

In contrast, Virochana was not only pleased with the answer but also went to taint others with his limited and crooked understanding. The entire tribe lived with that ‘limited understanding’ and suffered the pangs of greed, selfishness, jealousy, lust, impatience and arrogance. " - Spirituality has become the most 'becoming commodity' in this yuga!

Thanks to Kali, every person charades as a Guru!

Everyone wants to be a Guru!

Everyone wants respect that comes with being Guru!

And therein lies the cause of their 'soul's downfall'. Don't fall for it! Beware of it!

Guru or master is one who bears the fruits (in exponential way) of the wrongs committed by his students too, not to talk about his own flaws and wrongs!

Any wrong that he teaches falls into his 'karma account'. Be aware of that!

This is no jaywalk!

This is not the path for everyone!

Work on self only till the right time comes!

Don't burden yourself with extra baggage of this karma too!

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