Thursday, May 30, 2024

Me, my Guru – On finding faults



Me, my Guru – On finding faults

It was later when we meditated that we understood a few points. It was easier to hate our flaws in others than in ourselves. When we had the same attitude in us, we justified it bringing people and situations in our life into the picture.  

Take anger for example. If others were angry, we disliked that person and talked ill of him.

But, if and when we exhibited it, we said reasons like:

·        As per my astro-chart, I am short-tempered. I can do nothing about it.

·        It runs in my family


Everyone says I’ve taken to my grandparents or parents.

·        I don’t get angry. But because my kid doesn’t do as expected I lose my temper.

·        Before marriage I was such a calm person, you know.

This and so many such excuses justified our attitude, behavior and emotions. And because the trigger and cause was external we said we were helpless in exhibiting them. We saw it clearly today. This was enough for the day. It would need our life-time to accept this, apply it and transform ourselves accordingly!

Some days are heavy at our Guru’s place. Today was one such day!



# me, my guru stories, on finding faults, on being judgmental nature, judging others, owning up our mistakes, most easy for all to do, being faultless, on forgiveness, compassion, empathy, understanding, teasing, taunting, 

read previous post on this topic 


Read the link completely and correctly...don't jump to conclusions and start the blaming game - be it your spouse or your in-laws.....what is the verdict? See that and what needs to be done - understand that and follow the RIGHT PATH! 

Question time:

Can you remember the attitude that you found/find irritating in others and yet justify when you express it?

What did you learn from this post?

How are you going to apply it in your life on day-to-day basis?

Remember - Sadhan is just not 1-2 hours of using or doing some healing technique. Sadhan is also applying your understanding in your day-to-day life situations. No one changes over-night (though I can vouch for people who have dropped few qualities in an instance!!). You need to put these understandings daily and umpteen number of times - consciously making an effort till it becomes your nature! That is sadhan! And that is the very important aspect of Sadhan!

What is the use of doing the technique blindly and being the same year after year?

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