Monday, May 13, 2024

Me, my guru – No good done ever goes to waste!


Me, my guru – No good done ever goes to waste!

This story I knew even before I heard it from my Guru and yet, when I heard her tell this story, I felt like I had heard it for the first time. I hadn’t understood it all these years though I assumed I did. For me, it had just been a childhood story. I didn’t analyse it further. I never felt I could learn anything from it. 

But today it seemed like a different story or so I felt as my Guru narrated this story "In a certain jungle lived a crow on a certain tree. This tree was on the banks of a stream. The crow was enjoying the morning breeze. It was still early in the morning and the whole day lay ahead. The crow knew it would be a long day searching for food – as every day! Thankfully, it didn’t have to go far for water. It lived right along the stream. It was glad that it had taken this decision to make this tree, right on the bank of the stream, its home. It looked at the sun's rays dancing on the water. And there it saw a black ant on the water. It was about to get drowned. Ants don’t swim. Our crow knew this. It felt bad for the ant. Wanting to help and save the ant it plucked huge leaves from the tree and threw them down. One of the leaves fell right beside the ant. The ant climbed onto the leaf. The wind brought it to the sand. And the ant was saved. The ant looked at the crow with grateful eyes. The crow flew away.


# me, my guru stories, no good done goes waste, karma, you receive what you give, good or bad comes back to us, boomerang effect of our actions, sooner or later we reap what we sow, we reap what we sow, 

read previous post further on this topic 

Read the link given to understand how our "wrong/bad karmas" come to us even after 50 janmas when they mature!!!!

Apply the same rule to even "good karmas" that we do.....

in short, good or bad karmas always come back to the person who has done it....there is no running away from it - except of course by healing ourselves and working towards going towards our soul consciousness!

Pointers to understand post:

"This story I knew even before I heard it from my Guru " - How many times this must have happened? We don't listen to understand! We listen to judge!!! We jump to conclusions even before the other has made his point!!! WAIT! Listen to the other. Listening right is an ART that takes janmas for everyone to learn! And that is all there is to learn! Listen from today on! Wait! Even if it is something you already know, let the other complete his say! This one attitude developed can make life so much more easier for you and others in your life. 

"But today it seemed like a different story or so I felt as my Guru narrated this story " - The story being the same, it SEEMED different to the narrator. Why?

"it plucked huge leaves from the tree and threw them down. One of the leaves fell right beside the ant." When you want to reach out to a person to help, do it multiple times. At least one of the help may reach him. If you want to invite someone call multiple times. You can't say "I called once, he didn't receive the call or he didn't return the call!!??" If you love someone, reach out to the other multiple times!

If you want to suggest something worthwhile, give it multiple times. 

As you see, only one leaf fell near the ant. Similarly, it may take multiple attempts to make a mark! Apply it in other areas too!

1 comment:

Mona said...

Thank you for dropping leaves of wisdom multiple times to rescue us Ma'am. You have so beautifully explained some points in multiple ways to get it across to us. If only we could learn from you and develop at least this one attitude!
- Mona