Saturday, May 11, 2024

Me, my Guru – on Sheikh Chilli, the dreamer!



Me, my Guru – on Sheikh Chilli, the dreamer!

Our Guruji just smiled. She seemed pleased. She just patted them on their heads as she left us for the day! They were rooted to their place for quite some time.

We sat there not knowing how and what to make of the whole experience. It was frustrating to see some like Rahul go to that state while we felt like some idiots sitting in the same discourse. We hated them for this. We benefitted because of their explanations and yet our emotion for them was that of contempt.  We need to sit with ourselves more to know ourselves better. But for now, we got the answer and yet remained unsure of it. We didn’t understand it. And what little we did either we didn’t like or agree on it. And the other part that we understand we didn’t know how to apply in our lives and overcome our pain. We left her place with a frown and a complaining heart. We have to come back with a better way of asking questions the next time. But that was for another day. For today, we called it a day!



# Me, My Guru, dreamer, sadhan getting boring, expectations and conditions, desires and their fulfillment, 

read related posts too

"We sat there not knowing how and what to make of the whole experience. It was frustrating to see some like Rahul go to that state while we felt like some idiots sitting in the same discourse. We hated them for this. " - What I can't have or don't have, if the other has, I become jealous of him. And I get angry with him. But, I PRESUME him to be bad and justify my anger towards him. Look closely at this example. Look at your relations. Where is that anger coming from for that particular person. Know it. Act on it!

"We benefitted because of their explanations and yet our emotion for them was that of contempt." - Classic case of ingratitude! You have contempt for the person who benefits you. You show disrespect and talk/act out of contempt towards the person who helps you. You taunt the person who stood by you in times of your need. And yet, somehow, you are the good person and the other is the bad person??!!

Wake up! Look the facts clearly and correctly. Change the perspective. Change your attitudes. Understand your own actions and words. Listen to them first for that!

"We left her place with a frown and a complaining heart. " - The person who wants to listen to only things that are PLEASING TO HIM AND HIS EARS  and not have courage to listen to the truth will suffer!

1 comment:

Kshitija said...

After reading this post I remembered my experience.
1. Whenever someone shared their experience of energy received like I felt lots of energy today . I always wondered why am I not experiencing such energy am I doing something wrong . so I used to go to the person and ask him to do reiki for me .
2. The same used to be the case in my work I always felt I am not doing up to the mark. I always felt insecure , lack of confidence followed me every where.
3. During the sessions I remembered mam telling I want you to be independent . I started doing sadhan. I don’t know much about energy but I have seen a change in my self my understanding changed , I started being better. Everything and every aspect of my life changed for best. I have noticed me to be a better person and realised that this is the important factor my change, my inner engineering.
Now if someone asks me about energy I would say how does it matter what matters is you and the change in you , you , you ….