Tuesday, May 14, 2024

Me, my guru – No good done ever goes to waste!



Me, my guru – No good done ever goes to waste!

A few days passed. Then months passed. Then years! One hunter came to the forest. He saw the crow nibbling at the insects on the branch of the tree. He aimed his arrow to hit the crow. The ant who was saved by the crow years ago saw this. Wanting to save its savior, he crawled speedily and bit the hunter hard. The hunter shouted and his aim missed the mark.

That commotion was enough to drive away the crow. So you see no act of good ever goes to waste. It comes to protect us in the times of need!” concluded our Guru.

“But Guruji, the World is not filled with people like that ant. People are ungrateful. The people we help don’t help us in times of need” said Vaishnav pouting.

Today, like the past few days I was calm and felt good from within. I had been cheerful for the past few days. So, when that Vaishnav asked his question, I was irritated. 

Today, I could see that he was never in a state of mind to accept anything she, our Guru said or others said for that matter. He would always counter it with his negative thoughts and wound up with some bitter statement or an argument. He was always pessimistic. He could never accept a “Law of Universe” for what it was! He always had to call it names. He always counter-argued. There was so much negativity in it.

“But our Guruji just said “Good done doesn’t go to waste”. It doesn’t mean it’ll be returned by the same person or the same way. These stories are not to be understood so literally. Be open to seeing the larger and clearer picture”


# me, my guru stories, no good done goes waste, karma, you receive what you give, good or bad comes back to us, boomerang effect of our actions, sooner or later we reap what we sow, we reap what we sow, 

read previous post further on this topic https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2009/08/peace-of-mind.html 

Read the link to understand how our peace and restlessness are related to our behaviour! We receive as we give!

Pointers to understanding the post:

"A few days passed. Then months passed. Then years! " - See how time flies before "karma comes back to give us our due - both good and bad"! 

This is how the Universe works!

The person who has wronged you may not receive his punishment immediately. The good you have done may not give you rewards immediately too. Both may not happen immediately. But, nonetheless, they DO HAPPEN - to one and all! And as per their actions, everyone receives his due -at the right time - neither sooner nor later! 

"The ant who was saved by the crow years ago saw this. Wanting to save its savior, he crawled speedily and bit the hunter hard. " - Each one of us is placed in a situation which is conducive for us to repay our debts and yet due to ignorance, greed and selfishness, we lose many a chance to repay our debts. And when it is found that we have no intention of repaying our debts, it is borne by us - as karma - forcibly and then we suffer it as problems and pain!!!

So, give as much as possible to as many as possible. Be supportive to as many as possible to ease your repaying moment. No MEDITATION CAN NEGATE WHAT YOU HAVE TO PAY OTHERS!!! You have to pay one way or the other!

"He would always counter it with his negative thoughts and wound up with some bitter statement or an argument. He was always pessimistic. He could never accept a “Law of Universe” for what it was! He always had to call it names. He always counter-argued. There was so much negativity in it." - Lower the consciousness, more is the negativity in us. More is the ignorance too! Lower levels of consciousness impair our clarity of thought! And in turn, causes us to not "SEE" things clearly and understand everything Right!

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