Saturday, May 25, 2024

Me, My Guru – Virochana and Indra



Me, My Guru – Virochana and Indra

So as you see being a Deva and Asura is based on qualities. And these qualities are something that can be developed with diligence by everyone. So one who is asura can become a deva. Similarly, one who is deva (because of his past karma and impressions) may get inclined toward negative qualities and become an asura. This sums up that ‘Attitude and sadhan are everything!” we can blame our genes, parents, environmental factors, and situations in life for who we are! But this story proves that both Indra and Virochana having the same parents, education, and food ended up being who they are!" Concluded our Guru. 

She took a sip from her cup of tea. She smiled relishing it.

Our questions were answered. We knew where we lacked. We knew we couldn’t blame others for who we were!

We couldn’t’ curse Guru/Reiki/God for our destiny.

We knew we had to chalk it up with our ‘corrective steps’ towards our attitudes.

We chose to be an asura or a deva!

We can change our choice even now! Period!



# me, my guru stories, Indra and Virochana, asura and deva, asuric nature, daivic nature, karma, illusion, ego, body consciousness and soul consciousness, reality, The Truth, maya, meditation, knowing self, Self, Ultimate knowledge, awareness, mindfulness, 

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So one who is asura can become a deva. Similarly, one who is deva (because of his past karma and impressions) may get inclined toward negative qualities and become an asura. This sums up that ‘Attitude and sadhan are everything!” - No need to hit yourself up when a asuric quality is recognised within. Just see it, accept it, work on it and overcome it. 

But, many a times, I have seen in real life so many people who have advanced so much in their life in spiritual field fall to such low levels in just few days and months! That is when they leave behind their sadhan! Don't EVER BECOME ARROGANT that you have become very advanced in this line. Never presume you don't need sadhan!


Be in sadhan and avoid this pitfall. Be ever aware and alert about this fall!

But this story proves that both Indra and Virochana having the same parents, education, and food ended up being who they are!" Concluded our Guru. " - Read this story again and again to understand it correctly.

We are what we are because of our choices.

We can't keep blaming our situations and people in life for who we are!

We can, but that wouldn't help! 

So, grow up, own up, be a man and then outgrow your limitations!

Own up to your divine nature!

Own up to your divine Self!

Own up the Kingdom of God - for you are the rightful owner of this Kingdom!

Work for it! Come out this delusion of wrong identification!


We are the Masters of our fate - downfall or rise -Choice is ours to make!

Arise, awake, stop not till the goal is reached!


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