Friday, May 10, 2024

Me, my Guru – on Sheikh Chilli, the dreamer!



Me, my Guru – on Sheikh Chilli, the dreamer!

Once our desire gets fulfilled – other aspects of that desire or further development of that desire need to be ‘worked upon’. We can’t just lie down and wish or dream.

Many times, we blamed the other person in marriage or job for having lost ‘our milk’.

We say our sadhan has become boring. We romanticize our sadhan. It is not so. It is doing the same routine but gradually increasing our interest and involvement in it. By doing so, we find the joy that is hidden in the practice of techniques. We get to know ourselves bit by bit. Then, instead of feeling depressed, guilty or ashamed of ourselves, we wake up to our wrong way of thinking and doing things. We set right our wrongs. We also accept that changes made today can’t bring immediate roundabout change in our lives.

We accept to reap what we have sown. We become aware of what we are sowing now.

The journey becomes involving and interesting. And therein lies our happiness, not in finding ‘corrections made in external factors’ of our life.

We become responsible towards our today and tomorrow. We develop patience and forbearance to face and accept what comes our way because of our past actions.

Slowly and steadily the entire ‘software called me’ changes for the better.

But those people who are expecting some magic to happen just by spending a couple of hours in sadhan for a couple of months or years – yes, there is going to be some disappointment. Not because of some karma or so, but because their imaginations can never be the same as realizations!”

As Rahul and Aziz concluded, they were shaking. It seemed like they were two musicians doing some ‘jugalbandi’ (jamming with each other). They both seemed dazed. They seemed to belong to a different zone. Though we listened to all that they said, most of it was lost to most of us.


# Me, My Guru, dreamer, sadhan getting boring, expectations and conditions, desires and their fulfillment, 

read related posts too 

Question time:

How does this post help you?

What did you understand from this post?

What are the changes that you wish to bring about in your life from now on?

1 comment:

Aparna Deshpande said...

Yes ma'am i am experienceing that everything is in sadhan only so i am doing regularly you ask and it shall be given Very true 💘💘💘. I got it 🙋👍🙏🎊🎊🎊. Thank you reiki guruji thank you ma'am with lots of love and gratitude we are missing,😌