Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Me, my Guru – On finding faults


Me, my Guru – On finding faults

Today, I arrived earlier than usual. The class hasn’t started. Many of us had come. Few were engaged in cleaning the place. Our Guru didn’t ask us to ever. And yet, only the handful always cleaned, arranged and decorated our Guru’s place with flowers that they brought. They even brought scented candles and lighted them. This they did on their own. No one asked them to. They never mentioned it to anyone too! They were joyous when they did it. Today was no exception. I stood there looking at all they did. I found it odd that they did this week after week. I have seen them do this for years now and yet neither were they tired nor was I impressed!

As they were doing their chores I started the conversation. One thing led to another. Slowly one by one joined and the time came when everyone was talking about one and  only topic – Vaishnav. We were commenting on him and having a hearty laugh when our Guru entered the class. She sat down to meditate. We were engaged in our chatter. After some time she opened her eyes. Tea was served. It was a bit chilly today in spite of it being summer. We welcomed tea and biscuits. She drank her tea in silence. Once done, later, she asked us the reason for the commotion.


# me, my guru stories, on finding faults, on being judgmental nature, judging others, owning up our mistakes, most easy for all to do, being faultless, on forgiveness, compassion, empathy, understanding, teasing, taunting, 

read previous post on this topic https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=The+greatest+curse+of+Kaliyuga+%E2%80%93+Praising+and+fault-finding+%E2%80%93+Me%2C+My+Guru 

Today, I arrived earlier than usual. The class hasn’t started. Many of us had come. Few were engaged in cleaning the place. " - What is the fun of being early if all we do is while away?

And what is the purpose of coming to class if (applies to all higher degree students) we assume to just come, sit and enjoy the class (the stress here is on enjoy). We come to class to heal ourselves.

And everybody talks about 'seva' but hardly people put that into practice! And there in lies the reason for 'delay' in our healing - both inner and outer issues!

Our Guru didn’t ask us to ever. And yet, only the handful always cleaned, arranged and decorated our Guru’s place with flowers that they brought. " - Seva develops the quality of 'owning up to the responsibility of contributing to the place, relationship, company, Nation' that we have! It comes with practice. It is not to be theorised! It has to be lived and put into practice! 

One who takes the initiative to do the 'unsaid' is the disciple.

The others - well, they just are 'vidyarthis' - arthi is one who seeks (like alms). Here it is one who seeks know-how! The Guru gives the same to all! And yet, a disciple receives all and vidyarthi - just little! The difference being in their state of mind and character!

 They never mentioned it to anyone too! They were joyous when they did it " Anyone who is grateful would do seva! And yet, he owns it not! He doesn't go around saying 'I did it, I did it!' 

Be good but don't be vocal about it!

The joy one gets when he is genuinely doing seva is all that is to receive in exchange for seva or gratitude! Nothing more! And that quality is the pre-requisite to receiving "grace" from the 'higher being'! https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/2023/12/grace-healings-out-of-gratitude.html 

I stood there looking at all they did. I found it odd that they did this week after week. I have seen them do this for years now and yet neither were they tired nor was I impressed! " - In spite of seeing people doing it week after week, the narrator doesn't work on his attitude. He is not taking the initiative to do it. He on the contrary is finding it odd that others are doing it??!!

This is the nature of the lowest consciousness. To raise above it, only way is to give without asking. To feel responsible towards all who contribute positively in your life. To understand the importance of giving back from where you receive.

As they were doing their chores I started the conversation. One thing led to another. " - This the the classic nature of people who shun responsibilities. The feeling of entitlement is very high and they feel it is below their stature to do seva! And what do we do in such cases - start useless conversations and divert the mind of people who are doing 'seva'! Observe if that is the case and overcome it.

She sat down to meditate. We were engaged in our chatter. After some time she opened her eyes. " Guru here sits in meditation and yet the blabber continues. She is leading by example and yet, we are lost in our way of living. This is one weakness we need to address at the earliest and it is the most easiest to attend to!

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