Wednesday, May 22, 2024

Me, My Guru – Virochana and Indra


Me, My Guru – Virochana and Indra

On the other hand, Indra reached Ashram, explained his doubt to his Guru and sought an explanation. Prajapathi agreed to teach more but with the condition that Indra stays as a Brahmachari (Celibate student) with him for another 32 years. Indra agreed again. He stayed back.

He was taught about the dreaming Consciousness (Swapna Avastha).

Indra was impressed and left. But en route, he kept thinking about all that he learned. He realized the futility of dreaming consciousness too.

He returned.

He was asked to stay for 32 more years. He agreed. His teaching continued.

He was taught then about the deep-sleep state (Sisupta avastha).

Indra went with a tranquil heart and mind. Yet, in no time, he saw that even in this state he was not ‘aware of his Self’! He knew this was not IT!

He came back.

He begged to be taught about the Self. Prajapathi asked him to stay for 5 more years. Indra did. Before the end of 5 years, he was taught about the nature of the Soul which was beyond dualities. He taught about that State which was Ultimate – Turiya State in which the soul sees itself in its ‘own form through its own light’!

NOW, Indra knew “The Self”!

He left the ashram fully aware and endowed with complete and pure Knowledge. He taught the same to his subjects and they weaved their lives around this Truth. They became followers of “Light” and hence were called “Devas (light beings).

As their Knowledge was complete, they developed divine qualities of patience, humility, devotion, purity, truthfulness, ahimsa, selflessness, and faith in God. Their powers and respect increase over time among all beings. They earned it with their choices, awareness, and earnestness.

On the other hand, asuras believing just the body to be ultimate made choices around this Knowledge. Their decisions and choices ended up being wrong and were reflected as bad results for all involved.

Similarly, for people who want instant gratification and results are asuric in nature. By developing these qualities in us we develop ‘asura’ within us. We strengthen the ‘asura’ within us.


# me, my guru stories, Indra and Virochana, asura and deva, asuric nature, daivic nature, karma, illusion, ego, body consciousness and soul consciousness, reality, The Truth, maya, meditation, knowing self, Self, Ultimate knowledge, awareness, mindfulness, 

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Pointers to understand post:

He returned.......he saw that even in this state he was not ‘aware of his Self’! He knew this was not IT!

He came back. " - Indra kept coming back again and again. He did not mind losing so many of his years in just being with his Guru. He was REALLY  interested in knowing Self! Everyone just talks about soul and such stuff. NO one is actually interested. As long as the person is worldly bound, he is bound to suffer. And yet, no one has time to come out it - what an irony!

On the other hand, asuras believing just the body to be ultimate made choices around this Knowledge. Their decisions and choices ended up being wrong and were reflected as bad results for all involved. " Everyone who believes and identifies with this body and name will suffer for sure. There is no escape from that. And to know 'self' we don't have time and interest. So, inspite of what we think of ourselves the way we lead our lives and make our choices reflect our asuric nature. And therein lies the cause of suffering!

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