Tuesday, November 30, 2021

Directing our energies the right way!


Directing our energies the right way!

Your energies flow where your thought and focus goes….

So, if you are a bad person thinking about a person who has done something bad to you, then you are adding fuel to his energy. That means, you are giving strength to his badness. Do you want that to happen? Do you want him to become stronger? Think about it before thinking about that person! But since this is for a bad person, I don't think, this applies to you - right?

Then, if you are a good person, who feels bad about a person who has done something bad to you - what then? You are a good person and yet you don’t and can’t see good happen to him, then remember your energies will go to heal him and bring good to him. Do you want that to happen to him? Should you not stop thinking about him then? Think about it!!

Now if you are a good person who is not bothered about good and bad that a person does to you. You are ever wanting only good to even the worst of criminals in your life and world. Then, it doesn’t matter who you think about.... 

Know where you stand and how you are affecting others in your life……..

Take a pause…

See where your energies are going and for what purpose.....may be there in lies the solution to your questions and problems....


# problems and solutions, energies and how they affect us, energies that we generate, forgiveness, on receiving grace, blessings, receiving and giving

also read suggested : https://kantipadam.blogspot.com/search?q=monk+and+scorpion 

Questions time : 

How did this post help you?

Did it help you?

Where did you apply it?

Did it address your doubt/question?

Who were you thinking of and who will you think of from now on? And why?

1 comment:

Supriya said...

Thank you ma’am. I actually got to use this lesson today while dealing with a difficult person at work. I could stay calm and redirect my energies.

There are a lot of things I can use this lessons on. Many times I wonder about our negative traits and the ‘why’, ‘what’, ‘how’ etc. part of it. All I need to do is come out of it and focus on the positive traits that I want.