Tuesday, November 9, 2021

On empty cup



On empty cup

For start, be aware! Whenever you are asked a question here in this blog, start thinking and share your views. Look at others views too! Think on them too! Broaden your perspective. Take others’ perspective and try to expand on work on that! Remember that no ‘understanding’ is complete till you have hit upon the ‘Absolute Truth’. So keep working on your understanding on every statement – here it is about ‘empty cup’. Keep thinking about it – regularly at least 10mts a day and you will understand something more after say 10-20 days. Share that too! That way, keep growing!

Understanding is like an onion! It happens in layers. Peel one layer after another. This journey and this learning are beautiful. The entire process is rewarding. Don’t connect this learning with what is happening or not happening with life! Keep working on your clarity of thought!

Stop not! Rest not!

Uthishta jagrat

Prapraya varanyabhodatha…

Arise, awake and rest not till the goal is reached - Upanishad!


# empty cup, understanding, clarity of thought, knowledge, wisdom, ego, maya, being alert and aware

Question time :

What did you take from this post? 
What points did you notice ?
Where do you plan to use and apply them?
Would you be able to look at 'empty cup' again and try to peel off one more of its layers?

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