Monday, November 22, 2021

Selflessness - an attitude worth practicing!



Selflessness - an attitude worth practicing!

Now is the time to practice ‘selflessness’ in small ways for a start…

Respect a person and give him space when he says/requests to be left alone…don’t keep pestering them with messages/phones in the name of ‘but I am in pain etc..’

One who is selfish only looks at his ‘NEEDS and WANTS’. He just says when he WANTS he wants them fulfilled ‘then and there itself’. When you are not ‘selfless’ enough to not care about ‘others’ needs and rules’, how can you expect your needs and wants to be respected?

“Do unto others as you want them to do unto you!” – If you are being ‘adamant and demanding’ from others (in which ever relationship it be…) then those who are close to you will be ‘demanding and adamant’ about how you SHOULD BE! Don’t complain then!!!

Cause of your pain and suffering is right where you are creating it!

You are receiving what you are giving!

You are the cause of what you receive from others in your life!

Others are just instruments of what you receive in your life. They give out ONLY THAT YOU DESERVE BY WAY OF YOUR ATTITUDE AND conduct in your life with others!


# selfishness, selflessness, love, on relationships, giving and receiving, abundance, character, attitude, 

those who are short of time or patience, just read the complete link on "on knowing self - me, my guru" post.......your questions are answered here.....not reading the link given and then crying saying 'maam/Reiki/God are not answering my questions is' - what do I say???

Time to ponder :

In the past, go through situations where you justified your selfish acts. How do you feel about them now? 

Would you change the way you would act/react in those situations if given a chance again?

Do you regret being selfless in the past - whenever you had been? 

Would you change that in the past if given a chance?

What does this reflect about this attitude and its effect on us?

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