Friday, November 19, 2021

On greatness!


On greatness!

Guru Nanak is one of the greatest Gurus that this punya bhoomi (Sanctified land - India is called and is the Sanctified land which has produced the greatest number of Saints, Enlightened Beings, Pure souls, Divine Incarnations at all times...).

Guru Nanakji or for that matter any Guru or Great being, is not born into greatness. Their everyday 'choices' slowly and steadily shape them into what they end up being. Their struggles and sufferings are used by them to express their character of 'Greatness' every single time! And lo! the world notices them to be 'Great' one fine day!

But nothing happens over night! They get up with every fall. They choose 'right' over 'pleasant' every time. They over come their temptations every day. This strengthens their character - the result is for the world to see! An exemplary personality that came out of an ordinary person born and grown in an ordinary situations and circumstances.

They don't work towards being 'great'. They just keep doing the 'right thing' - choose 'dharma' over 'but every does no maam' excuse and 'greatness' comes to them unasked!

Sit back, look within, assess your choices and state of mind - what stops you from walking their path? 

don't justify your reasons - find ways to break those could be the next 'great son of India' that the World looks up to tomorrow........

Aim high, work non-stop - goal is reachable!

That is the purpose of 'Celebrating the Jayanthi' - not just to wish each other, eat sweets, wear new clothes...think again.....

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