Monday, November 8, 2021

On empty cup


On empty cup

Further to let me tell you all that I appreciate your participation and welcome the comments in this regard.

Every comment/observation made in this regard is right.

But, at the same time even though it is ‘right’ it is not ‘complete right’. Understanding happens in layers – always! But the one who thinks that he has understood it ‘ALL’ when he understands something stops ‘growing’ in learning. His walk towards the ‘ultimate Truth’ stops then and there – at least for a while. Only when he realizes that what he learnt isn’t or can’t be complete Truth will his journey start again. This is the ‘game’ that mind, ego and maya play – always and win every single time if we are not alert and aware of their games!

Beware! Be alert! Don’t let them win over you! They would make stupid out of us!

DON’T LET THEM DO THAT TO YOU! Don’t let them win over you! Be aware and be walking maybe slowly but surely and steadily towards the Truth! Let them know that you are ‘winning’ over them!

The war has begun! Let victory be yours!

It may take janmas – but what is the hurry! Let’s still walk towards our goal with single minded concentration. Let’s win over ‘maya’ again and again – every single day!

Now, what do we do for that? 


# empty cup, understanding, clarity of thought, knowledge, wisdom, ego, maya, being alert and aware

suggested read of previous post : 

1 comment:

Kshitija said...

Thank you for the post it helped me .