Tuesday, July 7, 2009

On cheating.........

cheating is done at various levels.

Physical : Any act of stealing, lying fall under this category. Do we come under the category of a thief? Certainly not – would be the answer. Let’s look into the definition of a thief and then answer this question with all honesty. Thief is “Anyone who takes a thing without the intention of returning it back and also without the permission and knowledge of the owner is a thief.”

Whenever we pay less knowing fully well that we are doing so and taking advantage of others gullible nature and feeling happy too for having fooled the other clearly puts on the level of a cheater. We may name it as a prank, fooling for fun or our own smartness. But, the bottom line is we have cheated. What needs to be given but delayed or forgotten also comes under this category. Debts not payed in the guise of ‘forgotten’ also falls into this category.

Anybody can get away from debts by telling lies or excuses. But the nature can’t be fooled. Usage of words like surrender can’t be used for debts. For eg: they say “I have surrendered to Reiki. When Reiki gives me money to pay you/them, I’ll pay you/them. It is Reiki which is stopping me from clearing my debts to you/them.” Whom are they fooling? Did they ask Reiki while spending money or borrowing it? Are they not spending in any of the purchases? They do go about their life as normal as ever – in fact better than ever. But, only when it comes to paying debts they talk all this non-sense. When it is purchase for self, they don’t ask their spouse or reiki. But, while it is paying debts, “I am not able to pay because of my husband. He is not giving etc….”. think……..

This is the most common way we try to postpone paying our debts. But, by telling lies, we are actually increasing our karma clearance and postponement only means increase in the interest part of it. The more, we postpone the more is the interest. Unfortunately, while paying, we forget the interest part and pay only the principle and consider ourselves as good people who have cleared everything. But, what about the delayed payment. Payment delayed is payment denied. The same is felt by us. Our payment or receipts are overly delayed and then we feel the pinch and complain saying it shouldn’t be so. But, the sad story is we don’t even realize then that we are getting what we have given to others. Whenever others debts are realized, we feel bad that they seem to get lots of money. We even say ‘ what if it’s delayed, you always seem to get all the money due to you’. But, when we receive salary/payments due to us few days later, we crib, complain, curse and taunt the person who owes us. This nature is the basis for faulty financial receipts in our life.

Whenever we break the trust, even there we are cheating…the pain is again received by us from our near and dear ones….then, don’t complain.

Cheating at spiritual level is much more subtle but more deeper and creates much denser karma.
1. Guru ninda – saying anything against one’s guru is the topmost of this cheating.
2. No guru can be taunted at…. One who respects one’s mother just can’t disrespect anyone’s mother. So too, one who respects one’s master/guru can’t /shouldn’t resort to spreading ill words of any master / guru.
3. Addressing someone by the term ‘master’ or ‘guru’ and such terms only to please them, flatter them and with the only view of gaining material benefits from them also is a form of cheating.
4. Sitting to judge/ analyse any master/ guru also falls under this category.
5. Hurting one’s master /guru also takes you away from his grace.
And many such acts develop this character in us.

As we are hurting, cheating and manipulating with our masters / gurus, are we aware of the tilt in the balance sheet of life. Wake up. Take care of your senses. Be on guard.

By cheating we may gain short term and lose the most precious of all gifts from nature and God – that is master’s/ guru’s grace. Grace is something which has to be experienced and also simultaneously realized. It’s the one that keeps the person from fumbling in the deep sea of life and protects us during the storms that reign in our lives. It can’t be measured. It is immeasurable. Person who’s got it, but still unable to realize the greatest treasure of this world is the most pitiable person in the world. Now, what can I tell of the person who’s got it and then lost it out of his greed and nature of cheating? Even God can’t save such a person.

गुरु गोविन्द दोनों खड़े, काके लागून पाऊँ

बलिहारी जाऊं गुरु आपने, गोविन्द जो दिखलाई

If guru and govind both come and stand in front of me at a time, i would be confused as to whom i should salute first. but, very next second i would know that it's guru whom i should salute first as he is the one who's shown me the lord too.... Kabir

If God also can’t save, then why should I think this blog should?............better wake up now before it’s too late…..

1 comment:

mohan said...

At the reiki meet I have seen some people keeping crystal pencils facing towards themselves. What are they trying to do...? You are supposed to keep pencils facing away from you and NOT towards you.

I am sure many people are learning reiki to get personal gains and NOT to clean themselves or change themselves. You will not see the profits of reiki until and unless YOU CHANGE from inside.