Wednesday, July 15, 2009

What are we?

The Path!
There lived among the hills a woman and her son and he was her first-born and her only child.
And the boy died of a fever whilst the physician stood by.

The mother was distraught with sorrow and she asked the physician “What killed my son?”

And the physician answered “It was fever.”

And the lady asked him “Pray, what is fever?”

The physician answered “It is a thing so small that we can’t see it with our naked eyes and it gets into our body and kills us.”

Some time later, a philosopher entered her house to console her and said “Don’t you cry your heart out. It’s the will of the God that your son be dead.”

She was surprised and asked him “Now, where is God and how does he look?”

He smiled and said “He is so vast that he can’t be seen with our eyes”.

The woman blurted out “the infinitely small killed my son with the will of the infinitely great. Then what are we?”

An old lady sitting there pulled the woman near her and looked into her eyes lovingly and replied “My child, we ourselves are the infinitely small and infinitely great; and surprisingly we are the path between the two too!”

Many times we feel caught between the unnecessarily small details and the magnanimous reality. Then, the confusion reigns our life. We don’t know what to choose - The small nothings or the unimaginable and unknown great. Instead, if only we were AWARE, we would know we are both the small and the big.

We can fall to any lows for what so ever be the reason and it is the same we who can choose to exhibit our greatness.
We can choose to feel helpless and hopeless. We can also choose to project our grandeur through our achievements and our character.
We can both be a failure and a success story.
We can get suck in the quagmire of events or rise from the ashes like a phoenix. (Phoenix is a mythological bird that is supposed to come to life from its own ashes).
We are the demon and we are the God too…..Now, the classical question is what do we choose to be?

And the best part of the whole exercise is that we are the path too! The path that helps us to cross over from our failure to success, from demonic to angelic character and from infinitely small to omnipotent and omnipresent. But, what we choose to be decides our path, our destination and along with it our experiences.

Always ask the question, “Does this act of mine belittle my fullest potentiality?” if the answer is “yes” then I am committing a sin. The next question to pose would be “Am I acting in line with my grandeur character?” if the answer to this question is “yes” you are pure and divine.

With this awareness, go ahead and CHOOSE how you wish to project yourselves in the world and for yourself.

May your higher self help and guide you ever in making the best possible choice for yourself………

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