Sunday, July 26, 2009

Remember, when the world pushes you to your knees, you're in the perfect position to pray.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Hi All,

This is Kshitija again I am once again here to share one of my experiences I know its a small one but it has a great impact on me .Today was my first official day at IBM I had my induction session from 9am to 6Pm .So I have done reiki to the 24 points and I went to office at 9am and I started back from my office at 6:30PM i.e as soon as my session ended and while coming back I just thought that there should not be any traffic jams and I should reach home as soon as possible and I came back home at 7:45PM with out any traffic issues after comming home I switched on the TV and I saw a slide that there was a fire accident on Kirthabad flyover a santro car is in flames and the whole traffic is blocked .I just thanked reiki and guruji becoz if I was struk in the traffic I would have reached home very late .I am thankful to reiki and guruji becoz I just did reiki to my 24points and I just thought that there should not be any traffic jams and I should reach home early and my thought has been fulfilled NOT ONLY THIS BUT I HAD MANY EXPERIENCS TODAY BASED WHICH WERE WONDERFUL