Sunday, July 5, 2009

Ultimately, it’s the pain that releases you from PAIN.
7th July 2009 being Guru Pournami - you can do homam +/ mrutyunjaya chanting +/ meditate with a guru's picture /image / namam i.e. name. Ideal would be early morning 3.a.m to 5.a.m. meditating the whole of that night also is very good and ideal.
may guru's grace descend on you!

1 comment:

padmaja said...

The supreme secret is that man must live in the world where he is born like the lotus leaf, which though born in water floats upon it without being affected or wetted by it. Of course, it is good to love and adore God with a view to gain some valuable fruit either here or hereafter. But since there is no fruit or object more valuable than God or more worthwhile than God, the Vedas advise us to love God, with no touch of desire in our minds. Love, since you must love for love’s sake; Love God, since whatever He can give is less than He Himself. Love Him alone, with no other wish or demand..