Saturday, July 18, 2009

On taking Decisions!

If you think, you will never leap….you never will…..

There never will be right time to take 'right decisions'. Life is happening now....your 'now' decision will decide what your tomorrow is going to be....take charge of your life....

There always will be reasons to postpone taking that 'leap' of decide on your instinct and take it......

Every decision will have its pros and decision of any body in the world has only 'pros' to's just that when pros out weight the  cons, we call it a 'right decision'.

When things work out in our favour, we call it 'right decision'.

But 'haven't things that worked out right ' at one point of time been the reason for pain in the later point of time? In that case, what that a right decision or the wrong one?

So, look at all that your decision has given you as the reward of your decision.......
all that you have missed as price you have paid to have taken this path......
and there always will be other options worth taking (in our mind).....

but.....if you wait - remember, life is slipping away too.....can you get back these moments..........?

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