Friday, September 16, 2016

Me, My Guru - On essence - Bhagavatam!


These were scores of others – Shakuni, Duryodhan, Dushshashan and all others who shut off their eyes unable to bear the brilliance of that Divine form. This shows that not everyone is ‘eligible’ to receive the ‘good’ or ‘Divine’.

“You don’t get what you desire, but what you deserve”.

Because of all impurities like anger, envy, lust, hatred and such qualities filled in their hearts, these people were automatically ‘not worthy of receiving’ Divine Grace. Even if given they can’t receive it. Their body is the cup that can’t take the filling of ‘good’ or ‘Divine’.

So, to receive His Grace or even to get ‘your desires fulfilled’ you should be worthy of it. And that’s where emptying of self of all impurities like anger, lust, envy etc come into picture. So do hands-on regularly” she replied with a smile.

“Then what about Dhritarashtra?” you said once that he was an epitome of ‘moham’ attachment. Then how can he receive the divine grace?”

She seemed ever ready with answers. Was she prepared or what, I had wondered many times!

I heard many answers to the questions posed to them. They gave any answer that came to them. But people like her were actually very few in numbers. To answer a question is not that important as to give appropriate one. People were bowled over with ‘any answer received’. But I over the years have learnt to understand and appreciate ‘Right answer’ to ‘any answer’. Yes, this a commoner would never know. But thanks to my healing sessions and ‘good company’ that I kept I received this understanding and what a priceless treasure was this treasure. I’ve found ‘so-called Gurus’ fooling around with words in the name of answer and I pity people and their students who looked up to them for their answers.

“Lord, doesn’t keep accounts of only bad deeds but also of good deeds – even the ones performed unknowingly or by chance. Dhritarashtra was jealous of his brother Pandu and his sons. He felt Pandu usurped his rights to the throne. He wanted to fulfil his desire of being ‘a king’ through his son knowing full well that Yudhishtra was more eligible and the right candidate for the throne of Kuru dynasty. Moreover, he was son of deceased king of that kingdom i.e., Pandu. Dhritarashtra on the other-hand was only a king on deputation. And that’s why too; his son was not eligible to be a king.

Yet,he, because of being blinded by his ‘lust’ for throne and power was an accomplice in all the plots against Pandavas by his son Duryodhan.

(Vidur and Dhritarashtra)

But inspite of having so many negative qualities had one weakness which was a ‘great quality’ in the eyes of Lord i.e., ‘Satsangh’ meaning ‘good company’. Vidura being an avatar of Lord Yama who was the custodian of ‘Dharma’ or righteousness, was a great devotee of Lord Krishna and was also an exponent of ‘Dharma’ – but obviously. He was fearless in speaking about ‘right’ and ‘wrong’ – not based on his likes and dislikes as many of us do, but based on ‘Dharma’ or ‘Law’. Dhritarashtra could never stay without him. Especially at nights, he would seek Vidura’s company and listen to his talk on Dharma, virtues, scriptures and about the qualities and glory of God.


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