Saturday, September 24, 2016

Me, My Guru - On perception


I received an urgent call and had to leave immediately. I silently got up and left without making much of commotion. I silently signalled her that I am leaving and she nodded in silence. Having received her permission, I left the session half-heartedly.

At the start, i.e., when I had recently met her and when she answered thus I would get irritated. I would think “What did I ask and what is she talking?” It actually took lots of sessions with ‘her’ and others to overcome that ‘irritation stage’.

Next, I experienced a stage where I started accepting her way of answering. Even here, I didn’t understand her answer though. Lots of healings later, I developed a faith that she would give what I ‘needed’ though not what I ‘wanted’ most of the time.

Now after 20 years of association with her and years of hands-on, meditations and many more hours of other healing and counselling sessions, today I can see that she doesn’t answer the question, she answers the person.

She has been the same always!

But healing had helped me to see her same act in better light over the years. I developed clarity of thought and perception that helped me to see the ‘Truth’ is correct light. The reason for which I used to get irritated with her, now I see it as her love for us. I see her hard-work and pure intent. I also can see where other ‘masters’ come from and where she comes from. And this perception spilled over my other relationships too and that has affected my relations in general with everyone.

So truly said “You can’t understand a person if you see that person topically or based on one issue. You need to know the intent”.

She had said like a million times “The whole is more than sum total of all its parts put together”. Now I get a glimpse of it. As long as I tried to understand her acts I was wrong – almost always. But the day I worked on my perception, I could see everything so clearly. The work in this area has just started. I need to work lot more yet. And still the results I got are amazing. Not surprising that all scriptures shout from roof top to correct attitude of ‘perception’.

I had my methods to carry on this healing and I had promised myself to become more sincere in t his work.

Now the shift has happened. It’s no more of judging her, knowing her or questioning her. It had become internal. I have gone inside from outside. When and how it happened I don’t know. But my anger on her this time really did me ‘good’. How? Well that’s for other time, I’ve now reached my office and I need to focus here for now..........


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