Saturday, September 17, 2016

Me, My guru - On essence - Bhagavatam


‘Sat karmon se sat sangh bhala’.

‘Company of pious and noble souls is better than good deeds’.

Good company or the company of pious and devotees of Gods is thousand times better than a good or noble deed.

Now it so happened that Sage Vashista and Sage Vishwamitra had an argument where Sage Vashista declared that ‘company of pious and pure, noble souls and true devotees of lord’ is far better than ‘sadhan’. Sage Vishvamitra who had risen to the level of Rishi i.e., seer didnot agree on that account and said that ‘only sadhan was the highest souls especially when compared to company of pious souls and devotees of Lord’.

To resolve their fight, they approached ‘Adishesha’ the serpent-king and the bed of Lord Vishnu. In reply he said “I can’t think straight while holding this heavy earth on my head. Please hold it on my behalf as i do some thinking on this issue”.

Sage Vishwamitra immediately exchanged his 1000 years of tapas-shakthi  (power of penance) for holding it for just half a second and then gave it to Sage Vashista.

Sage Vashishta just exchanged half a second of punya-karma (merits earned) of his satsang to holding the earth for 1000 years. Later when Sage Vishwamitra asked Adisesha as to what his verdict was, he replied “Isn’t it obvious that your 1000 years of penance power could match not even half a second of merit earned in company of noble souls’. They both left satisfied with the answer.

Now, that doesn’t mean that we stop doing noble deeds and instead go in search of noble souls so that we get ‘punya karma’ (rewards of good deeds) by simply being in their company.

This one act of Dhritarashtra earned him his merit to have a ‘darshan’ or vision of Lord in his glorious form.

Understand this point correctly here. His ‘good deed’ of being in company of ‘noble and pure soul and an ardent devotee of’ Krishna gave him sight to see the vision, but they get exhausted with that mercy. Moreover, his attitude hadn’t changed and as already told millions of time and attitude is the deciding factor is our destiny.

To understand it better read link given on attitude and character and destiny“http://kantipadam.blogspot.insearch?q=character+and+destiny             

And that gets changed only with our effort in the form of some sadhan like hands-on, pranayamam, meditation etc. To understand these techniques read link for meditation

read link " for queries on pranayamam


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