Monday, August 16, 2021

If not a tree at least plant a plant!



If not a tree at least plant a plant!


Just plant one plant per occasion to make it memorable. It’s your way of saying ‘thanks’ to the Universe. Enough of empty words!

Be the change you want to see!

We complain and crib about climate change. We dump our anger on politicians and business houses. Yes, they are wrong in more than one way. But now it’s not about them. Let’s play our part right!

Let’s contribute something useful, constructive and beneficial and essential to our children – the next generation. We are planting not to save the world. But for our children to breathe better. Think about it!

If we love our kids and are grateful that they are in our lives, then let’s plant a tree or at least a shrub on their birthday.

If we are grateful to have our parents, siblings (brother/sister), spouse, friend - let’s plant a tree on their birthday.

If marriage has been a blessing in your life, then plant a tree on your marriage day.


# plant a tree, ecological balance, greenery, growing plants, gratitude, being responsible citizen of the world, future for our kids, greenery and pollution, air pollution, small acts of goodness.

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