Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Me, my Guru – on ego!



Me, my Guru – on ego!

Our ego was in full swing and yet we went around assuming to be good people. And then we were angry at Guru, God and reiki saying “Why are we suffering inspite of being good?”

Now we understood our situations better. We received what we generated through our ego. Our selfishness, double-standards, anger and all that – how could they give us ‘good’ returns? We received what we gave!

Yet, we had miracles knock at our doors. We still had abundance and things going our way. Not because of whom we are – but purely because of Reiki’s grace. Our little sadhan brought in such huge returns. That is Guru’s and God’s grace. They gave way beyond what we deserved. Unfortunately, we didn’t’ even validate them!?

Rahul, Aziz and such people realized all this. And they received according to their understanding, behaviour, truthfulness, humility and acceptance of the fact that they were work in progress. They accepted they needed to be chiseled more and every single day and they sought our Guru’s grace to chisel them. And when she did that with words they felt grateful to her. They weren’t angry at her. That spoke about their level of consciousness. And so, they loved her, revered her and worshiped her. 

It wasn’t what she was working for. She just came, saw, pointed and explained where we our flaws were and left. But the way her students treated her spoke about ‘who they were’ and ‘where they came from’. The way she was treated did not reflect who she was!

Not expecting from them expressed her egolessness.

Showing their gratitude, humility and respects reflected the area of ego they have cleared in themselves. Ego was at play everywhere. If only we knew where to see!!!



# on ego, Me, My Guru, king and the guru - story, 

also read : 

Each person behaves depending upon his level of consciousness. It represents his character. His behaviour reflects who he is. It did not depend on the other person or the situation he was facing. Know this and keep healing to realise it.....

What did  you take from this post?

How was this post useful to you?

Where do you think you can use it?

How will you benefit from this knowhow?

PS : Blog is written with your doubts, situations, emotions and crisis you are facing just now....Every blog post gives you clearly where the problem is, what problem is, what you are seeing and how you are supposed to see, how you are behaving and what is alternate way of behaving. It also gives you various ways of healing and addressing the issue at hand. Till you change the way you treat your mother-in-law, your problem will not change. Remember the way you treat your mother-in-law is the way you will be treated by your daughter-in-law. This is how karma is generated. When we push someone from our life we think we are justified because we don't like them. But when the same dislike comes back to us we cry saying 'why is it happening to me maam?'

Till we change our selfishness and demanding nature, things in our life can not be changed. They are going to come back in our life again and one can make 'magic' happen in your life.....know this........

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