Saturday, August 28, 2021

Me, My Guru – on disturbed mind



Me, My Guru – on disturbed mind

“My mind chatters non-stop. Help me to stop it. What do I do for that?” asked another.

“People are not behaving right. I am so angry. What do I do?” I asked. Each one asked a question related to their life. But, all that said only one thing – “that our mind was a monkey creating chaos with ego, anger, demands, justification, fault-finding, jealousy and what not!” We needed to address that aspect of our mind. We failed miserably there. 

Our mind was way smarter than us and so it always won. That way we ended up living emotions of fear, pain, anger etc as it wished us to! But our Guru didn’t explain all this to us today. She had told us all this umpteen times. So, she simply started her answer “Once Buddha was going along with his disciples. Having walked for long, they decided to sit and rest under a banyan tree beside a lake. It was then that one of the disciples asked “Master, pray tell us how to stop the chatter of this mind? What do we do?”

Buddha simply smiled and said “But before that, bring me some water to drink”

The disciple went to the lake to get the water. Some villagers were taking bath there. So, he walked ahead to fetch water. He knew water where people were taking bath was not good enough to drink. As he got down in the lake, a cart came rushing into the lake. The water became muddy. The disciple waited for that water to settle. This way something or the other kept happening which made it impossible for him to get water. So, after sometime he decided to go back without water. He returned and narrated the same to Buddha. Buddha just smiled and asked him to sit down.


# Me, My Guru stories, on chattering of mind, control the mind, handling ego, energies, our presence and absence, anger, 

also read previous post :

read the given link above to understand how our energies/aura/thoughts emitted from us and by us effect the atmosphere around us. Here it is beautifully explained. In this given story we see how fish are comfortable with the Ascetic as long as his thoughts are without lust or kamam. The moment his thoughts become harmful, lustful and one of hurting them, how they move away from him. If fish would sense won't people react to how we feel about them!? If I am hating you day in and day out and wanting you out of my life, would you be comfortable, happy, good to me and around me? If you are good to people who are good to you only then how can you expect someone you dislike to like you or make you feel comfortable? We receive what we give out! I have said it like a million times and am committing this wrong of repeating myself again this time.....WE RECEIVE WHAT WE GIVE! When I hate my m-i-l I can't expect her to love me - remember that!

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