Sunday, August 22, 2021

Me, my Guru – on ego!



Me, my Guru – on ego!

Well, our Guru came back after the break and resumed our class “In a certain country was a King who was into spirituality. He would practice meditation regularly. He held his Guru at high esteem.

Though being a King, he would regularly come to meet his Guru. He would spend couple of days with his Guru discussing all aspects of spirituality.

Neither the Guru nor King ever felt the ‘kingship’ come in between their relationship. Here in the ashram the King was just a student to his Guru. Years passed by. One day after walking for hours in the forest King asked “Guruji, can you tell me what this ego is?”

Immediately Guru turned red with anger! He was shivering with anger. And in high pitched voice Guru shouted at the King “how stupid of you to ask such an irrelevant question?”

The King was hurt and taken aback at his Guru’s angry outburst. He, being the King was never shouted at. So obviously he was angry at his Guru’s words and behaviour. He stood still – angry and hurt but silent.

Looking at the King Guru with a smile replied “and now you know what ego is, where it is and how it operates”.

The King raised his head to look at his Guru’s pleasant smiling face and understood the answer. He fell at his Guru’s feet. He sought his Guru’s forgiveness for misunderstanding him and for dumping his anger on him. He thanked him for the love with which he answered every question of his.


# on ego, Me, My Guru, king and the guru - story, 

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Pointers to this post :

"Though being a King, he would regularly come to meet his Guru. He would spend couple of days with his Guru discussing all aspects of spirituality." - If this is possible for a king, any other person can be in touch with his Guru and take time for the class, however high be his position in life. Don't you think so? The learning never ends - especially with the degrees (including mastership or grandmastership etc in spiritual field...). Ego stops one from going to his master to be on this path. One who loses his touch with his Guru has brought about his curse onto himself. One who is in touch with his Guru grows - so effortlessly and easily over time that his growth is surprising when after few years even for the student when he looks back!? Be in touch with your Guru (if you are blessed to have one especially in physical form!) ALWAYS!

"Neither the Guru nor King ever felt the ‘kingship’ come in between their relationship. Here in the ashram the King was just a student to his Guru." - Never bring ego of your position to your Guru's place. Guru is one who doesn't and isn't bothered about your position in life. He treats you as he treated you the very first time you met him.

"The King raised his head to look at his Guru’s pleasant smiling face and understood the answer. " - Blessed is the student who trusts his Guru. Blessed is one who realizes his mistake with a simple gesture of his Guru. Blessed more is he who accepts his folly immediately without justifying his actions or words. Blessed is one who seeks forgiveness in real sense. Blessed is one who can see his Guru's love in his every gesture!

1 comment:

Kshitija said...

Thank you πŸ™ very much from bringing me back . Thank you for your love and affection.
Thanks u blog for teaching me so many things