Monday, August 9, 2021

On Wow moments!



On Wow moments!

The common in all these moments is that all these moments are free of cost. They are available to one and all! We need not go out ‘do’ or ‘achieve’ something for it. We need not work for these moments. These priceless moments are ever present for all of us to relish and live. We need not ‘go’ anywhere to experience them. We need not ask others to help us get these moments. We don’t need to depend on others for these moments. 

And these moments are spread all through the day! They are available 24/7 for one and all! All we need to do is ‘be available’ for them. We need to be ‘aware’ of them! We need to appreciate them. We need to just be on look out for them. They are there – spread throughout the day! And yet, we go by without noticing them. And when we notice we realize how priceless they are! We realize how rich we are! We realize how much happiness is within our reach!

Isn’t it? Did you realize this? Did you notice this? Were you not surprised with this knowledge?

Just by being aware of these little joys of life, your state of mind had been more calmer, happier and livelier than before - isn't it?


# simple joys of life, facts of life, abundance, secret of happiness, peace of mind, simplicity and abundance, miracles of life, echo of life, mindfulness, il dolce far niente, 

also read suggested :

Read the above link to understand how situations don't decide our state of mind. Read to understand how we can be happy inspite of situations in life....

Points to understand :

  • More or less everyone is going through the same stuff. The stuff is full of job and its demands and complications, relationships and their downside, financial insecurity, pandemic and other heath and social conditions. 
  • Yet some people come across as more joyful, healthier and peaceful than most of the people we come across in our life. What is the secret?
  • We usually assume these people have all that we desire and hence are more content.
  • The fact is one who is content has seen more ups and downs in life than the average ones. Their life is more of a mess than most people around them. And yet they choose to look at little joys and wonders of life. 

  • They haven't forgotten the 'art of wonderment' that we had as a kid. They still kept it alive in themselves. They laugh not because their life is a bed of roses. But because they don't some problem can come any second. So they don't want to miss out on this minute of joy.
  • They are grateful for little 'normal routine' things of life. Because they have found that what is normal is also very rare in their life.
  • think about it!
  • You are not loosing to circumstances and people in your life. You are losing to your mind. Beware! Read the given link below to remind yourself of the same -

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