Sunday, August 15, 2021

If not a tree at least plant a plant!


If not a tree at least plant a plant!

On every special day, be it birthday, anniversary, etc people celebrate by going out to eat. They purchase new clothes. They throw party. Why some even invest and/or purchase jewellery. Good for them! 

Ok, pandemic must’ve reduced your activities a bit but there still is a celebration of some kind – for sure!

Live to your heart’s desire and as much as your purse stretches!

But, after doing all this and more, remember to do just one simple thing. Plant at least a plant if not a tree!

Live to your heart’s desire and as much as your purse stretches!

But, after doing all this and more, remember to do just one simple thing. Plant at least a plant if not a tree!

Yes, plant!

You don’t and can’t plant all trees in your house. No need! Plant elsewhere... Plant a tree in your neighbourhood! Plant a flowering plant outside your apartment, in your common area of the building (in the ground). You can plant in your park, on the road, in the temple in your area. Is there a school/orphanage that you know? Plant there! In your village and in your colony you will find a place to plant a tree…. Plant anywhere and everywhere..


# plants, ecological balance, being responsible citizen of the world, being human, social duties, going green, planting trees, making future safe for generation next,

also read previous post on social responsibilities: 

The link given should be read in the date take care of that to understand it clearly......

Points to be understood :

  • How our every action affects the world and the world our children are going to inherit?
  • Always ask yourself this one question - the money I want to leave behind, is it worth it if the world is full of pollution, want of air, want of good food?
  • Imagine a world with less or no greenery for your kids. There is no world to plant for your kids sake. Not for world. Not for some good karma points. Not to go to heaven after death. But to create a worthy enough place for kids to live their lives...

1 comment:

Supriya said...

Yes, it is one of the most satisfying experience! I am not very good at it, but I love growing plants. The journey itself is very blissful!

Sometimes I tell my son that I am doing certain things(planting being one of them) to leave a livable environment for my great grand kids 😀

Giving and receiving plants as gift also has been a source of joy for me. Caring for those plants reminds me of its giver and I inevitably send a good thought to them.
