Monday, April 13, 2020

regarding healing sessions.......

regarding healing sessions.......

our healing sessions as per decided comes to end tomorrow - April 14th with night session........

come back with your decisions regarding continuation of the same...

those who don't want it to continue you also express it so.....

i'll proceed accordingly....

reg. feedback : 

They all inspire us to believe that 'reiki' has helped us in so many cases......

has there been your experience where you did reiki for some thing to work and it didn't and you later realized that it was good that it didn't work out?

share those experiences least one per person.....


Kshitija said...

Dear mam
I request you to please continue these sessions as we r being motivated to do more
These sessions have brought out the good in me
Some things which may look simple to others that I was scared of . now I am able to do them comfortably fear in certain areas has reduced
I want to continue to do the service of feeding the people in which ever way possible these healings are helping me to stand boldly and do them
I request you to please continue

Sainath said...

Hello ma'am, I would like to continue participating in the morning and night's Light circle healing sessions (6:30 am and 9:30 pm). Thank you

Vaibhav said...

Greetings Mam,

I would like to continue...

Vaibhav said...

Greetings Mam,
May I please request that we should also do Navagraha Healing together may be in 1-2PM slot? Please mam, I had this wish since long or let's have a seperate slot for this. Please mam...

Aarthi said...

hello mam, i would like to continue.
Thank you.

Rahul Deshpande said...

Guruji .....Let's continue , because such calm time where nature is healing , animals are breathing fresh air, God's in all temple are calmly sitting and listening to our prayers and healings , such time may not come again my request to continue .....thank you reiki thank you Guruji

Supriya said...

Ma’am, it is up to you. I appreciate your willingness and dedication in helping us all heal.

I will be sitting for the morning slot of Light Circle and will try to complete other activities at my pace during the day. There have been some changes to my work load, so I won’t be able to follow the time lines.

My friend just confirmed that she also would like to continue sitting for the morning light circle.

Regarding wishes that weren’t fulfilled: There were some wishes that weren’t fulfilled and in time I figured out that it was a blessing in disguise. I actually left those thoughts behind, so it’s hard to remember specific wishes. I have learned that the answer ‘no’ was also for my greater good and I have grown to appreciate it.


V Sridhar said...

Dear Mam, I wish to continue the light circles..Thank you, Sridhar

Swati said...

In reiki book i wrote I wanted twins(a boy and a a girl).
But my this wish did not come true.
Good that this did not happen. Initially I was facing difficulty in handling one itself. Dunno what would have happened if it was twins for me.
Something happens for the best

Mona said...

I have so many experiences of wishes not coming true, I can write a book about it! Everytime my wish is not true, by default, I assume something better is on the way. :-) I'm sharing one such experience and will share more in the days to come.
We had planned a welcome party for our 5 month old baby, so that all the relatives and friends could meet him. It was a plush terrace venue overlooking the Qutb Minar. I was quite apprehensive about an outdoor dinner party, but everyone in the family loved it, so i said ok.
The sky was clear through out February, but just one day before the event the weather forecast suggested that it might rain in the evening and the venue management said they wont be able to help much if its rains. I was confident that i'll do Reiki and it wont rain. Feeling guilty of stopping nature, I just said that the guests are comfortable, all are able to attend, etc.
However, just one hour before the party it started raining cats and dogs, all the decoration got washed away and all the roads got jammed. I kept doing Reiki wondering why the rain is not stopping, and started asking if Reiki always has something better in store for me, why is this happening now?
The venue manager suddenly told us that the owner of the property has one more venue which is just 15 mins away and it is an indoor location. We dint know what the venue was like, but just said "ok, we'll take anything"
When we arrived at the venue, it was one of the most beautiful banquet halls I've been to, much better than the previous one, and now look at the number of coincidences
- the owner (MD of a very large group of companies) was there at the venue and helped us all throughout
- there was a lunch party on the same day, and hence all the furniture and decoration was there, as if waiting for us. The place was set up in 15 mins (was like magic!)
- surprisingly all the guests managed to arrive despite the traffic
- i was worried for my baby in the outdoor location (as it was pretty cold at night outside), this place had rooms for relaxation and i could easily feed him and make him nap in between
- they got the food from the old venue and managed to serve it just right
- not just the baby, many senior guests could enjoy till late night as it was quite cozy indoors. The party went on till 2 AM, which would have been impossible in the outdoor venue, even if it had rained.
- we were asked not to pay anything extra for this venue, although this one was much more expensive
My family was surprised how all this was arranged so quickly.
Now, thats why my mantra in life is, if Reiki doesnt answer your wish, say thank you twice. Something better is on your way. God knows what is best for you. So pray, have an open mind and leave the rest to the Universe.
Thank you Guruji. Thank you Reiki.

Vaibhav said...

Thank you so much Mona Garu for sharing your experience, really inspiring and heart warming....

By the way next time you plan any party call us as well 😄😇😋😋😋