Wednesday, April 8, 2020

On choosing death!

On choosing death!

Random Acts of Kindness | Kindness Quotes
If to love is to live and celebrate life and to hate is to die then - why do we choose death to life?

We prefer to feed our ego and keep it alive. Why? So that it can eat on our relationships, peace of mind and satisfaction. And then complain that we don't have 'someone' to love in our life. We miss 'sharing of love' with someone in life. 

When I can't live happily with the one in my life how do you think I can live with the one 'yet' to come in my life?

72 Spiritual Healing Quotes for Everyday Inspiration – UpSpirit
Every time I love to hurt someone, kill someone or wipe off someone from my surroundings and some time from earth I die as a 'soul' from within.

Every time I am jealous of someone's progress, situation or happiness I die from within.

Every day I die out of fear, hatred, anger and envy.

This life is but a brief ... - GeniusQuotes
And yet I say I want to live life. Is this the definition of your life? To die every day little by little and to suffer and be the cause of suffering for others?

If this is it, if this is all life means to you, then how come death is more worst than this?

Think about it!

Are we choosing death over life in our every wakeful hour?

Think about it!

# life, love, hate, relationships, sharing, caring, attitude, challenges of life, purpose of life, 

1 comment:

Kshitija said...

This post has helped me a lot it has un masked few feelings bitter I know it’s a journey to make and I am happy to choose a worthy path of healing