Wednesday, April 29, 2020

Me, my Guru – on heaven and hell


Me, my Guru – on  heaven and hell

Don't search for heaven and hell in the future. Both are now
Others also knew they had no choice. They knew their pain and their bodies demand for rest! They knew their prayers were answered through that Master and lo! They thanked the Master. These warriors knew that to even survive in any battle both the Master and the animal – like horses and elephants should be healthy, active and energetic. It was sheer madness to fight continuously too! So resting at right time was also part of ‘waging battles and wars’. So they seized this opportunity to revive their tired bodies, mind and intellect. They did the same for the animals too!

As the end of the month came nearer the hell group of soldiers were tired, moody, angry and restless.

J. B. Priestley - To different minds, the same world is a...

But the second group was totally revived, relaxed and come to love the life of forest so much that they were in heaven. They created it. They owned it!

Quotes about Heaven And Hell (441 quotes)Later when the war started the first ‘hell group’ fell ill, hurt, got wounded and many even died in the battles that they fought.

The ‘heaven group’ was so healthy and happy that they faced with war with immense strength and though were wounded got revived faster and they got to live on to see many more battles.

Destiny & the Choices We Make - Healing and Transformation

Each created his or her own destiny with the choice of hell and heaven at every cross road of life. With every bump in road we decide our destination – hell or heaven.


# hell and heaven, pain and suffering, choices, realities of life, mind, mans best friend, our scariest enemy, ego, anger, expectations, conditions

also reads :

Questions answered :

  • What decides our choices and what are the consequences of our choices?
  • Who writes our destiny?
Points to be understood  and food for thought:

  • If our choices are the basis of our destiny, then whom are we to blame for the situation that we are in?
  • Where should we actually direct our anger?
  • If we are in a situation that we are not comfortable in, then who actually is responsible for that?
  • How do we put our power to write our destiny to good use?
Healthy tips:

If you want to eat those oily snacks favourite of every Indian - be it pakodas, samosas, bajjis etc - go ahead and eat it. Just remember to exercise before eating say for 15mts and then 15 mts later .......these two 15mts are more than the usual time of exercise that we need to do on daily basis...........

don't think it is very tedious or boring. Having healthy habits is not an option. It is a gift you give unto yourself. 

Even our "weakness" can be put to good use if only we start thinking right!

Use your desire or weakness for snacks etc to good use. Use it as an excuse to exercise more. Before long you'll possess a body you so wanted to own since long........not just a good looking body but a fit and fine one too.....this way not only can you put in all the hours needed to work to have your desires fulfilled, but you can also have strength to enjoy your life your way.......

Denial of our weakness is not the path for weak minded.......but putting or making our weakness work favourably can be done with little smart thinking.......

Think about it and work on it.........

if weakness is to watch movies -then do reiki while watching Tv. Keep a list of things which needs to be healed. While watching keep sending to the list one after the other and see your list of healing to be done completed effortlessly. During Ad breaks walk, walk and walk. Inside the house but walk . That way your walking is almost done. Next during songs (most of them are not good) then do yoga........

see think - you can do more than you can imagine if you ask yourself "how do I do it?" instead of "well, I can't do this now, right?".......

1 comment:

Kshitija said...

Thank you very much I re read this post many a times each time I re read I had a different experience with different situation
Thank you very much
Lo I realised that we had done Two particular healings and u asked us to do financial healing and Navagrahas healing every day thank you very much for that because these healing are helping us a lot
I am individually doing Navagraha healing when ever I am free