Tuesday, April 7, 2020

Our character our destiny!


Our character our destiny!

Now what did we learn from this experiment?

Khalil Gibran Quotes on Love and Work - abrainyquote
“It’s ok to have multiple partners as long as we say it is out of love” – if such noble thoughts cross your mind, stop it right there. Don’t use the right example to get ‘wrong lesson’ and then give me credit for the decisions (the wrong and unethical ones) you take in your life.

All the wonderful and so called funny jokes that crossed your mind – well put them in the dustbin.

10 Quotes from Khalil Gibran that will Leave you Speechless
The lesson we need to learn is “when we are filled with love and our acts are based on selflessness, then ‘love and selfless’ nature itself becomes our guardians against perils of life!

Quotes From Kahlil Gibran [25 Quotes About Life And Inner Peace]
So I keep repeating you to ‘move on’ in life and not hold grudge against others. Now don’t start with “but maam you know what he did.”

A person who doesn’t think twice before sharing with near and dear ones, colleagues and others he is selfless.

One who calculates every box of food that goes out of his house is ‘selfish’.

You may think your savings will come down if one extra box of meal goes out of your house, but you are opening your doors to ‘penury’ and shutting your doors to abundance entering in your life. 


Points to be understood :
  • What is the purpose and power of love?
  • The basic intention behind your act makes it a good one or a bad one
  • The more you suffer giving and sharing the less you receive and even when you receive you'll not be in a frame of mind to validate it and appreciate it.
  • you'll never know what affection and genuine love is
  • you'll be attracted to people who are as 'using others' for the fulfillment of their desires as you and thus become a curse unto yourself
  • you write your destiny with every attitude you carry within

1 comment:

Rahul Deshpande said...

Guruji ....I completely agree with last paragraph "you write your destiny with every attitude you carry with in " this makes me more attached to reiki..... thank you reiki thank you Guruji