Monday, April 20, 2020

Putting quarantine to good use!


Putting quarantine to good use!

Fitness Quotes Gym Workout Motivation Health Stock Photo (Edit Now ...
Walk, walk and walk – even if it is within the house – do. Don’t sit in front of the TV and develop disease. Sitting is the ‘new smoking’. Those who sit a lot develop lots of health complication. Even if you are working from home preferably walk every 1hr at least for 10mts. Stretch and bend. Use the benefit of WFH. And if you have desk or table, stand and work. Keep shifting working standing and sitting.

Health and Fitness Quotes | 12 Inspirational Quotes
Don’t binge continuously as you sit chit-chatting with your family. Don’t sit in front of that TV all keep eating. Remember our target is to lose weight the right way not to gain at the end of this session. Those who are already in right shape and weight increase your stamina.

Health And Fitness Quotes That Makes You Feel Active | Deikhoo ...
Use every technique you are taught to work on that health problem you have. I have seen so many free of their so many complaints just by following regular diet on right time, exercise daily preferably same time and do pranayamam during last 14-20 days. They didn’t even take meds to heal those issues. So many are free of their meds that they were taking. Try this – who knows how much you would benefit with this simple discipline? Each unto his own!?

37 Awesome Fitness Motivation Quotes To Keep You Going!

Sleep tight and at right time! Don’t sit to watch or gossip till late hours. Do that during the day. Just go to bed by 10pm (yes immediately after the night LC). That way you would give your body much needed rest that it longed for!


# exercise, healthy life style, diet and you, body, 

also reads :

Points to understand : 

  • Health is not an option, it is a pre-requisite for everyone at all times.
  • We don't dig well when we are thirsty. Like-wise we don't look to remain healthy or follow healthy life-style when the fear of pandemic or falling sick looms large on face.
  • Be prepared always - physically, mentally, emotionally, spiritually to face any eventualities of life. Work on all fronts at all points of time!
  • Excuses will become very dear (costly). Excuses are easy to make though!
  • Find reasons to live right and keep body, mind healthy!
  • Why so many of my wishes remain unfulfilled? Are you happy when they come true? Make way for the wishes that have come true and enjoy them so that you learn to love other wishes which are to come true later.

Questions answered :

  • How to keep ourselves safe from diseases?
  • What steps do I take to keep myself useful during these 'extra' free time given unasked?
  • How to make break down situation into break through situation?
  • Why so many of my wishes remain unfulfilled? 

    Kshitija said...

    Hi everyone
    There was time when I was scared of every one and everything
    People expressed their views on my name as I never would stand for my self .
    It was very difficult for me as I felt very bad about all of this
    I expressed it during my healing sessions too then while following the healing techniques of reiki I unknowingly started speaking and standing up for my self
    Suddenly I noticed the change in me I started standing up for myself
    People stopped taking advantage of me
    They started behaving properly by following
    give respect policy
    If not for reiki how would this be possible?
    Thank you reiki
    Thank you Guruji

    Mona said...

    Wish unfulfilled-
    I was looking for a job as I'd shifted to a new city. I was not getting selected for the jobs which I thought I could easily get. After trying for a couple of months, I spoke to Ma'am. She immediately said, don't you remember the last time your wish dint come true, it actually was better than what you imagined. And within just a week I found my ideal job, which met all the criteria I had written down. And consider how I got in touch with the company - my friend's friend (somewhere in Orissa) asked his boss and he referred me to his friend who referred me to his ex-colleague, who had started a new company (where I was the first employee in senior management position). Reiki always answers your prayers, even when it doesn't. In fact I prefer not to ask anything when I do reiki now. Thank you Guruji. Thank you Reiki.