Saturday, April 25, 2020

Putting quarantine to good use!


Putting quarantine to good use! 

Go spiritual:-

32 Inspiring Photo Quotes with Life Lessons I Learnt in Life # I wish I retire and am in sadhan the whole day (like you maam)

# You are so lucky maam. Like you or our Gurus I want to go to forest, stay in ashram and meditate whole day – days on end.

# If only I had time to complete all techniques taught to me/learnt by me ??!!

See – for all these of your wishes Nature has created conducive atmosphere.

PEOPLE THAT WANT SOMETHING FOR NOTHING | Inspirational message ... This way you would have ‘trial run’ of being ‘sadhak’ 24/7 and to be ‘alone’ as you desired. You’ll have lived it and also come to understand your actual comfort with this life that you so wanted and envied!?

This life looks romantic (I don’t know how and why you perceive it that way but….) from outside and people feel cheated of this joy in their life. They envy others whom they suppose have it!?

Self-Help Quotes | HealthyPlace Now you can put your complain aside and live this life 24/7. Take out your notes. Note down all the techniques in a piece of paper. The time available apart from our healing session can be tabled with various other techniques taught to you. Keep the sheet with you. Get up. Do the chores (in minimum time as a Guru does). Sit in sadhan. Take just 15mts to eat. Sit in sadhan – repeat!

Those who still have time inspite of completing all the techniques of healing that they know, get back to me, I’ll increase your homework!

19 Dialogues From The 'Before' Trilogy That'll Make You Rediscover ...By the end of fortnight you’ll know if you actually are comfortable in this life-style. 

You’ll know yourself. You’ll know if that desire is ‘reality based’ or only based on assumption. Either way you win. If you like it you’ve lived your dream desire. If not, one desire can be put into dustbin. This way your list of ‘unfulfilled desires’ and ‘compromises made’ will come down. This is a win-win situation. Those who take this up will benefit either way! Trust me on this.

If I have left any area that can be healed - you know it so address that!

Quotes about Nothing lasts forever (59 quotes)

Take it up. Live it. Make the best of this “forced free time”!

15 Nothing Lasts Forever Quotes That Will Change Your Perspective ... Just note : None of these suggestions are just said as a forwarded message wrote out of nothing. There is a reason behind every suggestion and the specific benefit that you would receive when any of the above/all of the above suggestions are put to use. Again, benefit is specific to every suggestion made – you can’t demand the benefit as per your desire from these suggestions made.

Note : do share at least one per day your experiences of intention reiki fulfilled and unfulfilled till we are out of this corona pandemic in total……..don’t be lazy in this area……. 


also reads :

# this too shall pass, ups and downs of life, challenges of life, death, pandemic, bad times, tough times, calamity, uncertain life, depression, lost, listlessness, hopelessness, pain and suffering

Points to be noted applied :

  • Whatever be the eventuality that you are afraid of - if it is certain and meant to be, it will happen. Since we can't do anything about it, why worry and lose out on life that still is. We have time and energy to make some good moments. Let's work towards that! We have life still to live. Let's live that!
  • Don't be a fool and put a condition that you want everything your way.
  • Universe is not here to please your every tantrum. It has billions of life to cater to. And yet it fulfills our every need and want. Don't be ungrateful because of your obstinate nature. Live life while it lasts and enjoy its gifts when it gives. That is intelligence.
  • We are not intelligent and sensible enough to understand the 'whys' and hows' of working of the Universe. Our intelligence is not good enough to tell Universe how to run its show! 
  • Instead of asking 'whys' and hows let's just understand who we are and why completely..

Life hack :

There was an easy chair that was totally gone. It's cloth was torn and needed repair since ages. Yesterday, I stitched the cloth for the same and made it functional again. Look into your homes. What are the things that can be mended now? What are those things that need to be addressed since long? Make a list and start working on them one at a time. Instead of getting on each other's nerves, make good use of this time!
And do share your works with others. Others will also benefit from the same by doing what needs to be done at their place.
Create, inspire and enjoy!

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