Friday, August 20, 2021

Me, my Guru – on ego!


Me, my Guru – on ego!

“We let our ego rule us. Our emotions are the product of ego. Yet, we take pride and refuge in our emotions. And in doing so, we indirectly, add fuel to our ego” these were the words that came out of my Guru’s mouth as I entered her class.

I had missed the start of the class. But that didn’t bother me. That never did! I took pride in the fact that I was ‘intelligent’ enough to grasp whatever she said from whichever point I heard. After, all, I had been her student for more than 15 years now. And I found most of her talks repetitive!

“So today’s talk is on ego?” I thought to myself smiling. This was one topic I prided in having understood well long back. I wasn’t arrogant and I talked with a smile on my lips – always! No one could say I had ‘ego’. I didn’t! This topic was for others. But I would sit through the class – after all!

Our Guru continued “the day we start questioning our emotions we would come face to face with our ego”.

“But Guruji, thanks to your support and guidance over the years we have addressed our ego. It is totally healed – all thanks to you!” said Vaishnav.

“Good to hear that. Let others hear the story of ego then” she said smiling.


# on ego, Me, My Guru, king and the guru - story, 

also read previous post on this topic : 

Pointers in this post :

"I had missed the start of the class. But that didn’t bother me. That never did! I took pride in the fact that I was ‘intelligent’ enough to grasp whatever she said from whichever point I heard. " - Just look at these words. Many times I find people saying 'oh, I know this story /poem/example etc'. Are we listening when others are talking or waiting to prove that we know it already? Are we listening to understand or are we competing with the other? Are we listening to prove the other wrong? Just observe yourself while you are talking to others. Listen to yourself. Question the way you interrupt their talk. Know what  you do and why you do...

"After, all, I had been her student for more than 15 years now. " - Very common to hear people say that they know a person since so many years. So what? What does it mean? What is that you are trying to prove? Does knowing someone since X no. of years give you added benefit in any way? Does it make you special? If yes, how? If no, then why do you brag about it? 

“Good to hear that. Let others hear the story of ego then” she said smiling." - Just see the way Guru responds. Don't you think she knows that he has all the ego in the world? Does she still get angry at his arrogance? Just because someone is wrong we need not lose our temper. We can be right and still maintain our cool. If we are right, we'll maintain our cool. We don't have to prove others wrong - always! Why are we so hell bent on proving others wrong/bad? Have you thought about it?

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