Wednesday, August 18, 2021

If not a tree at least plant a plant!



If not a tree at least plant a plant!

Trees are beneficial to us in more than one way.

·       They absorb carbondioxide from surrounding air and give us oxygen.

·      They reduce the pollution in the air.

·       We get good air to breathe.

·       Check for pollution levels at Army area with area with less or no trees in internet. You’ll be surprised to see the difference. (Again one more reason to do reiki to our Defence personnel and people serving in army and other armed forces for the services they are doing for us and Nation. We owe them a lot. The least we can do is do reiki for their and their family’s well-being.

·      The roots of the plants grow deep into the soil and thus make it right and easy for soil to hold and absorb rain water. That means less rain water wasted. It also means rain harvesting done naturally. This also means our ground water level increases and we don’t have to go deep for bores. Boring comes with less noise pollution during drilling and less expense for us. 


# plant a tree, ecological balance, greenery, growing plants, gratitude, being responsible citizen of the world, future for our kids, greenery and pollution, air pollution, small acts of goodness.

alalso read : 



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